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Secretary of the Interior Deb Haaland (Laguna Pueblo) today, August 27, announced protections for 28 million acres of public lands across Alaska in an effort to protect cultural and subsistence resources.

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Native Vote 2024. Native Organizers Alliance, an organization that makes changes in mainstream leadership and policy through advocacy, capacity building, and campaign support, announced that applications for their post-election National Native Community Organizer Training are now open. Trainings are for Native organizers and Tribal leaders working to engage community members. 

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Native Vote 2024. CHICAGO — Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation Tribal Council Vice Chairman Zach Pahmahmie and Secretary Lorrie Melchior were on stage last Monday evening at the Democratic National Convention's opening session. Pahmahmie provided a land acknowledgement and welcome to the attendees who gathered that night to hear Preisdent Joe Biden later in the night. 

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Native Vote 2024. This year marks 100 years since the passing of the Indian Citizenship Act which granted Native Americans the right to vote. 2024 is an important election year and the community is more than ready to cast its vote.

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Native Vote 2024. The National Congress of American Indians announces the kick off of the 2024 National Native Get Out The Vote (GOTV) Campaign. The campaign consists of regional webinars designed to mobilize GOTV efforts in tribal communities in advance of the upcoming federal election.

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WASHINGTON — In addition to articles already covered by Native News Online, here is a roundup of other news released from Washington, D.C. that impacts Indian Country recently.

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Native Vote 2024.  Vice President Kamala Harris accepted the 2024 Democratic National Party nomination for president of the United States on Thursday night in front of an electrified crowd of 20,000.

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Native Vote 2024. CHICAGO — Deb Haaland (Laguna Pueblo) walked onto the national stage in prime time on Thursday evening, the last session of the 2024 Democratic National Convention in Chicago. 

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Native Vote 2024. Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., who was running for president as an Independent, announced on Friday afternoon at a news conference in Arizona that he has suspended his presidential campaign.