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Guest Opinion.   In a landmark decision, the Supreme Court's ruling in City of Grants Pass v. Johnson allows cities to penalize individuals for sleeping outdoors when no shelter is available. This ruling disproportionately impacts Native youth—an already vulnerable population. With Native Peoples facing some of the highest rates of homelessness, this decision perpetuates legal and financial burdens, pushing unsheltered Native youth further into the shadows and away from the support and stability they desperately need and deserve.

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Editor’s Notebook. MILWAUKEE, Wisc. — Political party conventions are designed to generate enthusiasm of its party’s base and hopefully attract enough votes from others to vote for their candidates in the upcoming general election. 

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Guest Opinion. Alaska Natives have a unique status in Federal Indian Law, in part, due to their entry into the Union in a later and much different policy period.

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Guest Opinion.Cherokee culture is one of our most valuable treasures, but we don’t protect it by building barriers or hiding it away. Cherokee culture is best protected when it’s celebrated and shared.

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Opinion. On April 4, 1968, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. left his motel room to go to dinner with fellow civil rights leaders and was shot and killed by an assassin’s bullet. Dr. King’s assassination flared civil unrest across the country with riots breaking out in major cities. 

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Guest Opinion. The Cape Fear River is the only River in N.C. that flows directly into the Atlantic Ocean. It has been industrialized, dammed, locks have been built, it has been navigated and commercialized, and poisoned. The most recent poison threatens to be there forever.

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Guest Opinion. A recent Tulsa World report revealed an unfortunate but all-too-real statistic: American Indians in Oklahoma die on average 17 years earlier than their non-Indigenous neighbors. While this finding is alarming, it comes as no surprise to the Cherokee Nation or to the nearly 40 other tribal nations in Oklahoma.

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Opinion. I was in Washington, D.C. for Independence Day this year. Typically, when I’m in the nation’s capital, I am there on business with seldom time to sightsee. Since the 4th of July is a national holiday, I had time to do some sightseeing, so I took the Metro down to Arlington National Cemetery. 

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Guest Opinion. Of all the releases of opinions from the U.S. Supreme Court this season, one that did not get a lot of attention is one where the Court denied certiorari in a case challenging a criminal conviction based on bite mark evidence—a field of expertise that is based on practice and skill, not scientifically demonstrable methods. Even the expert who had testified in that case, recanted his expert testimony, based on updated science.

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Guest Opinion. Leonard Peltier, a Native American activist, has been imprisoned in the USA for nearly 50 years. Much of this time was spent in solitary confinement. He is serving two life sentences for murder, despite serious and ongoing concerns about the fairness of his trial. Peltier has always maintained his innocence.