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OMAHA, Neb. — Citing the concerns of the spread of the COVID-19 virus, commonly referred to as the coronavirus, the National Indian Health Board (NIHB) announced on Wednesday that it has postponed the 2020 National Tribal Public Health Summit that was scheduled to take place next week, March 17-20 in Omaha.

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Welcome back to Native News Online’s weekly breakdown of events happening across Indian Country. From coast to coast, we spotlight an assortment of fun outings and important cultural events—both big and small. From Powwows and concerts to art exhibits and Indigenous-made films, this covers the spectrum of Native arts and entertainment. 

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From Press Release

WINDOW ROCK, Ariz. — On Wednesday, Navajo Nation President Jonathan Nez and Vice President Myron Lizer declared a Public Health State of Emergency for the Navajo Nation in response to the growing spread of the COVID-19 coronavirus, also known as “Diko Ntsaaígíí-Náhást’éíts’áadah” in the Navajo language.

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ROCKVILLE, Md. — An Indian Health Service (IHS) patient from Charles Mix County, South Dakota, is presumed positive for COVID-19, commonly referred to as coronavirus.

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Healing for Violence against women and their families took place in Sacramento with a march and rally. The MMIW teepee was set up, this is a healing sanctuary for survivors and families of MMIW,. The teepee has hand prints of family and names of Missing and murdered all over it.

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PAW PAW, Mich. — On Monday night, the Paw Paw Schools Board of Education at a regularly scheduled meeting voted 6-1 to get rid of the offensive Redsk*ns mascot at the end of the 2019-2020 school year.

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SAN DIEGO – The roster of musical performers was just announced for the American Indian Graduate Center’s 50th Anniversary Gala in San Diego, and it’s spotlighting some rising Native stars.

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Whatcom County District Court Dismisses Criminal Fishing Charges Against Four Nooksack 306 Members “In The Interests of Justice”

From Press Release

BELLINGHAM, Wash. – Last Thursday, the Whatcom County District Court dismissed criminal charges against Michael, Francisco, James, and Lisa Rabang for subsistence clamming outside of Bellingham, Washington last May without a state recreational shellfish license.  The Rabangs are part of the extended family of purportedly disenrolled Nooksack Indians commonly known as the Nooksack 306.

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WASHINGTON With less than two weeks until the opening of the annual Indian Gaming Tradeshow and Convention, the nation’s leading Indian gaming organization is planning to move forward with its annual event in San Diego as scheduled on March 24-27.