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From Press Releases

BAY MILLS , Mich. — On March 10, Bay Mills Indian Community became aware that two of our employees might have been exposed to novel coronavirus (COVID-19) while on out-of-state travel to the Washington, D.C. area. Those employees reported the exposure immediately and took appropriate steps to distance themselves from others in the community.

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WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump declared a National Emergency because of the deadly threat of the COVID-19 (novel coronavirus) pandemic.

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UPDATED: The tests on the two individuals came back negative.

SAN CARLOS INDIAN RESERVATION — Health officials on the San Carlos Indian Reservation, near Globe, Ariz., are awaiting the results of tests on two individuals who have experienced COVID-19 (novel coronavirus) symptoms. The two were immediately quarantined.

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ALBUQUERQUE — The Gathering of Nations, America’s largest powwow, was cancelled through an act by the governor of New Mexico because the venue where the annual event is held is owned by the state of New Mexico. The governor made a decision as a precautionary measure because of the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic.

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WASHINGTON — The U.S. Senate unanimously passed Savanna’s Act, S.227, and the House Judiciary Committee also unanimously passed its version of the bill, H.R. 2733, out of committee.

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BELLINGHAM, Wash. — The Lummi Nation, located in Bellingham, Wash. announced Thursday, March 12, 2020 that one confremed positive case of COVID-19 (coronavirus). The individual is employed by the Lummi Indian Business Council and lives in King County, Washington was instructed on Tuesday, March 10, 2020 to self-qurantine.

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WASHINGTON  The National Indian Gaming Association (NIGA) Board of Directors and Chairman Ernie Stevens Jr., are officially announcing today that the Association will be postponing the 2020 Indian Gaming Tradeshow and Convention in San Diego scheduled on March 24– 27.

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YANKTON INDIAN RESERVATION — A tribal citizen of the Yankton Sioux Tribe, based in Wagner, S.D. has been diagnosed with COVID-19, commonly referred to as the coronavirus.

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WAUSAU, Wisc. — In the midst of the deadly coronavirus pandemic that is spreading against America, Wisconsin’s 7th Congressional District special election is taking high priority for Vice President Mike Pence.