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Centuries of Missing and Murdered Indigenous Peoples

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Late last October, the night before her 18th birthday, Mashpee Wampanoag tribal citizen Jalajhia Finklea went missing. The family remained in turmoil for the next five weeks as they waited and wondered what happened to Jalajhia.

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When Rick Santorum, a former GOP U.S. senator from Pennsylvania, and a senior political commentator with CNN, asserted that the founders of the United States “birthed a nation from nothing,” he added to our nation’s false and shameful legacy of erasure of Native people.

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CNN has a problem when it comes to Native Americans.

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Former U.S. Senator and CNN political contributor Rick Santorum recently delivered comments to the Young America’s Foundation, an organization promoting conservative principles to high school and college students. His remarks included statements about the United States’ shameful history of colonization and Native genocide, and they were nothing less than appalling.

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The Covid-19 pandemic has been devastating in Indian Country. 

Courtesy Trees, Water & People.
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This Earth Day, tens of thousands of Ponderosa Pine, Douglas Fir, Plains Cottonwood, Coyote Willow, Chokecherry, Buffalo Berry, and Wild Plum grown at the Colorado State Forest Service Nursery in Fort Collins are ready to be picked up and delivered to Tribal communities across the Western U.S, growing not just trees, but a movement.

Pennie Opal Plant
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The United Nations Climate Change Conference, also known as COP26, will take place later this year in Glasgow, Scotland from Nov. 1-12. Leading up to COP26, this week President Biden has invited 40 world leaders to a virtual climate summit in the hope of negotiating deals with some of the world’s largest emitters of greenhouse gasses. Unfortunately, one thing that they will not keep in mind is that Mother Earth does not negotiate.

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This week we commemorate Earth Day. Cherokee Nation has always led by example in protecting the land, water and air that define our natural environment. Fundamental tenets of our Cherokee values and culture require that we maintain a balanced and harmonious relationship with our natural resources and environment.

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During her third week in office and her first official trip in her new role as U.S. Department of the Interior, Secretary Deb Haaland (Laguna Pueblo) conducted a fact-finding tour of the Bears Ears and Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monuments in Utah.