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MICHAELS, Ariz. — A national discount chain store on the Navajo Nation has filed an application to sell alcoholic beverages, despite opposition from the Tribe’s leadership.

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ALLENDALE, Mich. — A two-year old movement to take down a confederate statue near a Western Michigan university has gained momentum, despite the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

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Guest Opinion

During this COVID-19 emergency, we are all doing our best to self-distance, avoid getting sick, and slow the spread of this terrible virus. At Cherokee Nation, we are slowly reopening businesses and governmental offices while still utilizing telework principles to keep everyone safe to accomplish the essential work of our tribal government.

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5,082 recoveries, 55 new cases, one more death related to COVID-19 reported as Navajo Nation’s travel advisory remains in effect

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Alaska Native artists have been mask-making like mad since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic.

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94 new cases, 12 more deaths related to COVID-19 reported as 57-hour weekend lockdown remains in effect

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Editor's Note: This article was first published by the Navajo Times. Used with permission. All rights reserved.

PHOENIX — Navajo Nation Vice President Myron Lizer was roundly criticized on social media Tuesday for attending a “Students for Trump” event in Phoenix on the Navajo Nation’s tab, but Lizer said Wednesday he used the event as an opportunity to corner some key congress people.

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42 new cases, two more deaths related to COVID-19 reported as 57-hour weekend lockdown takes effect

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42 new cases, two more deaths related to COVID-19 reported as 57-hour weekend lockdown takes effect