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Northeastern State University (NSU) has launched a new initiative in partnership with local high schools to offer direct admission for qualified high school seniors, significantly simplifying the college entry process.

This innovative program allows eligible students to bypass the traditional application process and gain immediate entry to NSU without completing the standard admission application or paying the $25 application fee.

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NSU President Rodney Hanley highlighted the program's goal of easing the transition from high school to college. “By offering direct admission, we aim to provide a seamless transition to college, empowering students to embark on their educational journey with confidence and support,” Hanley stated in a statement. 

The direct admission initiative seeks to demystify the college application process and expand educational opportunities for students. Dr. Jerrid Freeman, Vice President for Student Affairs & Enrollment Management, emphasized the program's potential to guide students and their families who might be uncertain about post-high school steps.

"What excites me most about this program is its ability to help those students who didn’t think college was possible or were unaware of the scholarships they could receive, opening up new pathways and dreams for them," Freeman said in a statement.

In addition to direct admission, the program also offers eligible students the opportunity to be considered for automatic scholarships, further supporting their academic ambitions.

“While some high school graduates are decisive about their college plans, many are unsure or unaware of their options,” Freeman noted.

Currently, Tahlequah Public Schools and Broken Arrow Public Schools are participating in this direct admissions program, with plans for additional local high schools to join within the next year.

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