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WASHINGTON — Just before Tohono O’odham Nation Chairman Ned Norris, Jr. began his Congressional testimony yesterday, he received a call with some unfortunate, though not unexpected, news: blasting had resumed on his tribe’s sacred lands to clear a path for President Trump’s border wall. 

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OTTAWA, Canada — Acclaimed actress and activist Tantoo Cardinal will be honored at the upcoming Governor General's Performing Arts Awards, a star-studded event happening April 25 at the National Arts Centre.

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WASHINGTON — Three prominent Native American national organizations — the National Congress of American Indians, National Urban Indian Family Coalition and the Native American Rights Fund NARF — are partnering to create a coalition to ensure that the American Indian and Alaskan Native population is accurately counted in the upcoming 2020 Census.

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Conference Theme: Sovereignty = Tribal Public Health

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From Press Release

RENO, Nev.  On the evening of Thursday, February 27th, the Gender, Race and Identity Program at the University of Nevada, Reno will be hosting “Our Bodies, Our Lands: Not One More Stolen Sister” to raise awareness about the crisis of Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls (MMIWG) in which the cases of thousands of Indigenous women and girls are missing or murdered without closure.

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WINDOW ROCK, Ariz. The Office of the Speaker is announcing public hearings on the impacts of uranium ore mining, transport, processing and related activities on Navajo lands throughout the month of March 2020.

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WASHINGTON The House Subcommittee on Indigenous Peoples of the United States will hear testimony today at 2:00 p.m. on the recent destruction of Native American sacred sites at the southern border in Arizona.

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EAGLE BUTTE, S.D. — Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe Chairman Harold Frazier declared his Tribe’s solidarity with the Wet’suwet’en Nation, a First Nation in Canada, that is currently fighting the plan to route an oil pipeline through its reserve.

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ROCKVILLE, Md. — Top federal health officials on Tuesday urged the public to prepare for the “inevitable” spread of the coronavirus within the boundaries of the United States.