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Historic documents from the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (ANCSA)—a monumental land claim that ultimately set the stakes by which Alaska Natives live in terms of land allotment and shareholder corporations—were donated to a university library in Anorchage on Wednesday. 

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In the more than 30-year battle between tribes seeking the repatriation of their ancestors’ remains and cultural items, and the institutions holding them, there are several excuses institutions use that do little to facilitate respect for tribes and compliance with federal law. 

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When the news broke last May of a First Nations tribe in Canada using ground-penetrating radar to discover 215 unmarked graves of children at the site of a former Indian residential school in Kamloops, British Columbia, major media outlets all over the world picked up the story, but very few explained what ground-penetrating radar actually is and how it’s used. Native News Online included.

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When Connie Leonard found out that the bodies of missing children had been found at the site of the former Kamloops Indian Residential School in Kamloops, British Columbia, her body began to shake. 

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An increasing number of Catholic organizations are joining the discussion about Indian boarding schools. But what role do they have to play in the pursuit of truth and healing, and who is their participation serving?

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Oklahoma’s petitions asking the U.S. Supreme Court to reverse or limit its decision in McGirt v. Oklahoma were rescheduled for review on Friday.

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The Supreme Court has allowed a lower court ruling to stand in the case of Howard Tanner, et al., v. Cayuga Nation, et al., a case in which the Village of Union Springs, New York sought to shut down an electronic bingo hall operated by the Cayuga Nation, because of a local ordinance prohibiting gambling. 

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In the battle between state and federal government over who has surface mining jurisdiction on the Muscogee (Creek) Reservation in Oklahoma, a federal judge favored the feds last week when he shot down the state’s injunction.

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[This story was originally published by the Anchorage Daily News on December 16, 2021. Read the original story at the Anchorage Daily News. Republished by Native News Online with permission. This story is fourth in a series. This story is part of a reporting collaboration between Alaska Public Media, the Anchorage Daily News and Indian Country Today on the 50th anniversary of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act. Funding for the project was provided by the Alaska Center for Excellence in Journalism.]

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Alaska is a unique place — record breaking temperatures below zero, summer nights where the sun doesn’t set, grizzly bears on your morning walk. With this comes unique laws and public policies. It can be confusing to keep track of the various Native organizations and layers of tribal enrollment options within Alaska, so we put together a list of definitions that explain some of the basics.