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On July 9, the House Appropriations Committee approved its version of the Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies FY 2025 appropriations bill, which includes a  23% increase in funding for the Indian Health Service (IHS). 

Chairman Tom Cole, the first Native American to lead the committee, emphasized the importance of the bill's provisions, stating, "As the first Native American to lead this committee, I commend the strong investments that uphold our nation’s trust and treaty responsibilities to our tribal communities."

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Key highlights from the committee's report, in comparison to the FY 2024 enacted levels, are as follows:

- FY 2026 advance appropriations for IHS at $5.9 billion.
- Addition of Sanitation Facilities Construction and Health Care Facilities Construction to advance appropriated line items.
- $344 million increase for current services.
- $290.4 million increase for clinical services.
- $295.4 million increase for hospitals and health clinics.
- 50% increase for maternal health.
- $10 million increase for Tribal Epidemiology Centers.
- $30 million increase for dental health, including $8 million for expanding Dental Support Centers.
- $26.6 million increase for alcohol and substance abuse and mental health programs.
- $52 million increase for the Purchased/Referred Care Program.
- 10% increase for the Indian Health Professions Program and a 27% increase for staff quarters.
- $985 million increase for Contract Support Costs (CSC).
- $251 million increase for Tribal Leases.
- $115 million reduction for EHR Modernization.

Despite these increases, the bill does not include a transition to mandatory spending for CSC and 105(l) leases, a longstanding priority for Tribal leaders. Currently, these costs are an open-ended appropriation but still count against the overall "cost" of the bill.

In a parallel development, the House of Representatives advanced the FY 2025 appropriations bill for the Departments of Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education (Labor H). Although this bill sees an overall decrease in funding, it includes significant provisions for Tribal health initiatives. The National Indian Health Board, which collaborated with the House Appropriations Committee, expressed optimism about the inclusion of these provisions in the final FY 2025 appropriations.

Key highlights from the Labor H committee report include:

- HRSA is directed to report on its collaboration with Tribes and provide additional technical assistance to ensure funding reaches Tribal communities.
- A 15% set aside within the National Health Service Corps for individuals providing health services in IHS facilities, Tribally-operated health programs, and Urban Indian Health programs.
- A 10% set aside for public health infrastructure at the CDC to enhance coordination among Tribes and Tribal Organizations.
- A $6 million increase for the Good Health and Wellness in Indian Country program at the CDC, totaling $30 million.
- An additional $9 million for the Improving Native American Cancer Outcomes program at NIH, totaling $15 million, to support research, education, outreach, and clinical access related to cancer in Native American populations.
- Increased funding for Tribal Behavioral Health Grants, Project Aware, Medication Assisted Treatment, and American Indian and Alaska Native Suicide Prevention at SAMHSA.
- A historic investment in the Child Care and Development Block Grant for Tribes and Tribal organizations, designating a 6% set aside, doubling the funding over FY 2024 to $526 million.
- Language directing the Department of Health and Human Services to collaborate with Tribal representatives to advance the expansion of self-governance at HHS.

The FY 2025 funding legislation will now proceed to the full House of Representatives for consideration. The Senate Appropriations Committee is expected to begin its review later this month. The finalization of the FY 2025 funding legislation is anticipated by the end of 2024, following the November elections.

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Native News Online Staff
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