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Today we are hosting a panel discussion at the Society of Environmental Journalists 2022 Conference: Covering Indian Country for Non-Natives. 

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“Certain times of year, the water is brown,” Corey Hinton, Passamaquoddy, told Native News Online. He’s describing his tribe’s drinking water that comes from nearby Boyden Stream Reservoir, fed by a lake that’s often used for recreational purposes, and as a dumping ground for waterfowl.

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Today U.S. Secretary of Energy Jennifer Granholm visited Navajo Nation to discuss the nation’s future in renewable energy.

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Tribal communities will soon have access to $46 million in funding to combat impacts of climate change, according to an announcement from the Department of the Interior today.

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This StoryMap was created with support from Wabanaki Youth in Science, Environmental Department at Sipayik, The University of Maine, The University of Maine at Machias, and Maine Sea Grant. This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 1828466 and by The Nature Conservancy. Published by Native News Online with permission.

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Sustainable Fishing, Coral Health and Marine Life in the Gulf of Mexico.

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Journalism is inherently an extractive industry.

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The U.S. Department of Energy today awarded almost $9 million in funding to 13 Native American communities for projects that will increase alternative energy, reduce energy costs, and increase energy security on tribal lands.

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The federal government is set to make good on its trust responsibility by paying for the climate-change caused relocation of three coastal tribes in Western Washington.

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Leading up to World Water Day—a National holiday on March 22 aimed at raising awareness for the nearly 2 billion people living without access to clean water— the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) today announced $1.6 million in available grant funding to support tribal water and air quality projects.