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New Year’s Day represents a transition into the unknown. With the transition into the New Year, there is a renewed hope for a better future in 2024.

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WASHINGTON — In addition to articles already covered by Native News Online, here is a roundup of other news released from Washington, D.C. that impacts Indian Country recently.

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Faithlyn Taloa Seawright is ending her First American pageant career as the 2024 Miss Indian Oklahoma. As Miss Indian Oklahoma, Seawright is representing all 39 tribes in the state of Oklahoma for the Oklahoma Federation of Indian Women (OFIW).

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Year in Review - 2023. Today Native News Online remembers some of the beloved Indigenous people who walked during 2023.

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Year in Review - 2023. Indian Country is full of great photo opportunities. From dancers dressed in beautiful and colorful regalia seen at powwows to the wise looks on the faces of Native American elders, our photographers work to capture the essence of Native America with respect to avoid accusations of exploitation while covering important stories in Indian Country. 

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The Zuni Youth Enrichment Project celebrated its 15th anniversary this year, a major milestone for a grassroots, nonprofit youth project that started in 2009 with a small summer camp for Zuni children. Now, 15 years later, ZYEP is a nationally recognized, Zuni-led organization with robust programming in physical activity, food sovereignty, art, and youth development. 
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This Day in History: December 30, 1890.  On the morning of December 29, 1890, some 150 Lakota men, women and children were massacred by the US 7th Calvary Regiment near Wounded Knee Creek on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation. Some estimate the actual number closer to 300.

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Year in Review - 2023. At Native News Online, our editorial finds that important events that have a long-lasting impact on Indian Country aren’t necessarily the most read stories by our readers. Our editorial staff has compiled a list of stories about the most significant events in Indian Country this year. 

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To commemorate the Indian Citizenship Act of 1924, the U.S. Mint will use Native American citizenship as the theme of the 2024 Native American $1 coin.