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WASHINGTON— In the wake of the coronavirus (COVID-19) global pandemic, tribal nations – comprised of some of the most vulnerable communities in the United States – have been left out of the conversation. As the COVID-19 pandemic has now reached all 50 states, tribal governments also face heightened challenges to protect their citizens, and have inadequate federal funding and resources to do so.
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With three confirmed cases, Navajo Nation seeks to contain spread of coronavirus

WINDOW ROCK, Ariz. — With three confirmed cases of COVID-19 — and more expected — the leaders of the country’s most populated Indian reservation are working on containment of the deadly virus.  

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Updated:  March 21, 2:48 p.m.

As part of its mission to keep Indian Country informed, Native News Online has compiled a list of cancellations or postponements taken by tribes and organizations as precautionary measures due to the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic.

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WINDOW ROCK, Ariz. – Navajo Nation President Jonathan Nez and Vice President Myron Lizer were informed by the Navajo Department of Health on late Tuesday afternoon of a second member of the Navajo Nation who tested positive for the COVID-19 coronavirus. The second individual is a middle-age male from the same region as the first person who tested positive within the Kayenta IHS Service Area.

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WINDOW ROCK, Ariz. Leaders of the Navajo Nation and the Indian Health Service confirmed the first COVID-19 case of a Navajo citizen on Tuesday afternoon. 

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WINDOW ROCK, Ariz. — The former chairman and first elected president of the Navajo Nation, Peterson Zah, announced he is endorsing former Vice President Joe Biden for president of the United States. 

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From Press Release

TULSA, Okla. — Cherokee Nation Principal Chief Chuck Hoskin Jr., Deputy Chief Bryan Warner and Cherokee Nation Businesses CEO Chuck Garrett have continued to monitor the impact that the COVID-19 virus has had across the nation and throughout our tribal community.

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ROCKVILLE, Md. — On Monday, Indian Health Service (IHS) released the following frequently asked question regarding COVID-19 (coronavirus):

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Legislation would allow the Indian Health Service, tribal health authorities, and urban Indian organizations to access the Strategic National Stockpile and help combat the coronavirus crisis