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WASHINGTON — Five federally recognized tribes, including the country’s largest tribal nation, have joined a federal lawsuit to block the Treasury Dept. from distributing federal relief funds to Alaska Native Corporations, according to a court filing yesterday.  

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WINDOW ROCK, Ariz. Navajo Nation President Jonathan Nez may be under quarantine at home because he came in contact with someone who was COVID-19 positive, but he sure is in touch with outside the Navajo Indian Reservation. On Tuesday, Nez received a telephone call from New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, who called to offer support to the Navajo Nation’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

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FORT HALL, Idaho — The human remains discovered in September 2019 on the Fort Hall Indian Reservation have been identified as being those of Austin Pevo, who went missing in February 2018.

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WINDOW ROCK, Ariz. — Navajo Nation officials reported three coronavirus deaths on Tuesday, April 21 bringing the death toll to 48 on the country's largest Indian reservation. It was also reported that there were 63 news confirmed cases since Monday, which brings the total of cases to 1,206 on the Navajo Nation. The cases do not include border town cases as previously reported.

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WASHINGTON — The National Indian Gaming Association (NIGA) is calling on the U.S. Department of Treasury to rely on the Federally Recognized Indian Tribe List Act when fulfilling Congress’ intention to provide funds to tribes from the CARES Act.

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SAN MANUEL INDIAN RESERVATION Kenneth Ramirez was sworn in last week to serve as chairman of the San Manuel Band of Mission Indians by San Manuel Chief Justice Claudette C. White.

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WASHINGTON — A group of six tribes from three states on Monday filed for a temporary restraining order (TRO) and preliminary injunction to block the Treasury Dept. from distributing federal relief funds to Alaska Native Corporations. 

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LANSING, Mich. – Jamie Stuck, tribal chairperson of the Nottawaseppi Huron Band of the Potawatomi, was named by Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer on Monday to the Michigan Coronavirus Task Force on Racial Disparities.  

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WINDOW ROCK, Ariz. —The Navajo Nation released an update last Monday evening that show an increase of 124 new COVID-19 cases since Saturday, which brings the total to 1,321 confirmed cases. The overall number of positive cases includes cases on the Navajo Nation and nearby border towns.