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WASHINGTON — A federal district court judge ruled Monday that Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin cannot disburse any of the $8 billion of CARES Act relief funding intended for tribal governments to for-profit Alaska Native Corporations.  

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WINDOW ROCK, Ariz. — The Navajo Department of Health in coordination with the Navajo Epidemiology Center and the Navajo Area Indian Health Service, reported 79 new cases of COVID-19 for the Navajo Nation and there remains a total of 59 deaths as reported on Saturday. The total number of positive COVID-19 cases for the Navajo Nation has reached 1,716. There is a total of 8,037 negative test results.

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CHEYENNE RIVER INDIAN RESERVATION — As COVID-19 began to spread across the country in late March, the tribal chairman of the Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe ordered checkpoints on that would limit non-reservation travelers into the Cheyenne River Indian Reservations. 

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WASHINGTON — A federal judge is expected to rule on Monday whether or not Alaska Native Corporations (ANCs) should be considered eligible for any of the $8 billion in relief funds earmarked for tribal governments in the CARES Act.

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The Say the Governor’s Negligence Will Cost Lives PIERRE, S.D. — South Dakota tribes say they are highly concerned by the lack of leadership from South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem, who has not instituted a stay-at-home order, banned evictions and power shut-offs, or closed nonessential businesses.

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BISMARCK, N.D. — A voting rights lawsuit brought by two North Dakota tribes against the state of North Dakota in 2016 is being settled.

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WINDOW ROCK, Ariz. — Confirmed cases of COVI-19 rose by 97 and one more death on the Navajo Nation were reported Saturday night by Navajo Nation officials. The additional death since Friday brings the total death toll to 59.

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Editor's Note: This article was first published by the Navajo Times. Used with permission. All rights reserved.