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Guest Opinion. The story of Louis Tewanima, Hopi,a two-time U.S. Olympian, is a paradox of sorts: a contradiction between the policy of forced assimilation of Native peoples in America by the federal government, and the heroic feats of Tewanima who ably represented the United States; despite being held as “prisoner of war”; and while arguably, not a “legal” citizen of the United States.

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Editor's Note: This opinion was first published on June 19, 2021. It has been updated and is being republished today as the nation celebrates the Juneteenth federal holiday.

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Guest Opinion. From the mid-seventeenth century till the early twentieth century, Indian boarding schools were used as a tool to assimilate Native American children away from their rich culture. Yet, for far too long, the history, policies, and devastating impacts of these schools have been unknown. As an enrolled member of the Chickasaw Nation of Oklahoma and the longest serving Native American in the House of Representatives, it is not lost on me the duty I have to educate and spread awareness about Indian boarding schools and other tribal issues.

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Opinion. On Friday, a subcommittee of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops released Keeping Christ’s Sacred Promise: A Pastoral Framework for Indigenous Ministry, a 56-page document that aims “to promote reconciliation and healing” and “serve as the renewed welcome for Indigenous Catholics in the life of the Church.”
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Guest Opinion.  Cherokees are stewards of many proud traditions, from our art, music and festivities to our language, patriotism and spirit of Gadugi.

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Guest Opinon. America tried to kill my family and other Native families many times and many ways. Alexander the Great, Ghengis Khan, Julius Caesar and other conquerors often allowed new subjects to keep their land, titles, and prosperity as long as they bent their knees to the new rulers. America made no such offer to Native Americans. We had to relocate or die in the fastest dispossession in the history of the world. America paid veterans of theAmerican Revolutionary War in Indian land grants and it hadn’t even acquired the land from the Natives yet. That’s why the Office of Indian Affairs (now renamed the Bureau ofIndian Affairs) was originally housed in the Department of War.

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Guest Opinion. In his quiet, gentle, unassuming way, he was the life of the party for 52 years.

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GUEST OPINION. Another year of high school and college graduations brings another round of school administrators obstructing Native American students from Indigenizing their graduation caps during commencement ceremonies around the United States. 
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Opinion. For the first time in 15 years, Leonard Peltier will be afforded a full parole hearing on Monday, June 10 at the United States Penitentiary at Coleman, Fla. 

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Guest Essay.  Although the U.S.A. is approaching its 250th year anniversary, it was only one hundred years ago that Native Americans were made American citizens.