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Earlier this month, Indian Health Service’s (IHS) newly tapped director Roselyn Tso (Diné) launched a tour across Indian Country to gain a better perspective on national and regional issues affecting the tribal members served by the Indian health system.
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Through proclamation issued by Navajo Nation President Jonathan Nez and Vice President Myron Lizer, the month of October has been declared  “Navajo Nation Breast Cancer Awareness Month” to support individuals battling breast cancer, honor breast cancer survivors, and to raise awareness and encourage the public to get screened for the disease.

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Beauty. Confidence. Conversations. Enjoyable Meals. Excellent dental health makes every aspect of our lives better. The dental hygienist helps us achieve superior dental health.
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On Tuesday evening in Washington D.C, Roselyn Tso (Navajo) was sworn in as the Director of the Indian Health Service (IHS) by U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services Xavier Becerra.
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When 13-year-old Gia Mendoza began seventh grade last year at Ignacio Middle School in southwest Colorado, she noticed something was missing from the bathrooms.

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On Wednesday, Sept. 26, the National Indian Health Board (NIHB) celebrated 50 years as an organization by kicking off its 39th Annual Tribal Health Conference in Washington, D.C.

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Last week, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued a press release warning of the dangers of social media video challenges because they could turn out to be deadly.

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A single tiny home could end up making a big difference for Native Americans struggling to find affordable housing in the Twin Cities. 

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BEMIDJI, Minn.—Tribal leaders, city officials and individuals in active recovery were among the speakers yesterday during the 2nd annual Opioid Awareness Response Gathering at the Sanford Center in Bemidji. The 3-hour event was organized by Northwest Indian Community Development Center’s Ombishkaa Re-Entry Program to raise awareness of the opioid epidemic impacting the community.

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Roselyn Tso, a citizen of Navajo Nation, was confirmed as the director of the Indian Health Service (IHS) on Wednesday by a vote in the Senate.