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Join us for an exclusive Native Bidaské with host Levi Rickert as he interviews Dr. Meghan O’Connell on the rise of syphilis in Indian Country.

Meghan Curry O’Connell, MD, MPH (Cherokee), is the Chief Public Health Officer for the Great Plains Tribal Leaders Health Board (GPTLHB). The GPTLHB represents 18 tribal communities throughout a four-state region of Iowa, Nebraska, North Dakota, and South Dakota. Dr. O’Connell received her undergraduate degree at Grinnell College and her medical and public health training at the University of Washington. After completing a residency in family medicine at North Colorado Family Medicine Residency, Dr. O’Connell practiced primary care – including full-scope family medicine – in tribal and underserved communities.

Don't miss this opportunity to gain insights into the prevention and treatment of syphilis and how we all can help end this outbreak as a community. Join us on Thursday, November 30th, at Noon EDT. Tune in on Native News Online's Facebook, Twitter, or YouTube channel.

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About The Author
Native News Online Staff
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