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In one of her last acts as Speaker of the House, U.S. Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) secured $750,000 for an urban Indian development that will provide housing, healthcare, community gathering space, and social services for the more than 9,000 Native Americans and Alaska Natives living in San Francisco. 

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Ten hours before the spending bill that funds the Indian Health Service was set to expire, potentially leaving more than 2.5 million Native Americans without health care access, Congress came through with a historic win for Indian Country.

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The sun is setting in Glacier County, Montana. Souta Calling Last guns her diesel-powered white GMC pickup truck east on Highway 2.

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Two years after the first COVID-19 vaccine was administered in the United States, a new study estimates that vaccination has helped save 3 million lives and avoid 18 million additional hospitalizations.

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As winter approaches and with the holiday season upon us, COVID-19 is once again causing concern on the Navajo Nation.

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Just in time for the holiday season, the Biden administration announced Thursday that it’s making rapid Covid tests by mail available for free again.

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Next week, the National Indian Health Board debuts a podcast series to help maximize health coverage in Indian Country for 2023.
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Children six months to five years old are now cleared to receive their Covid booster shot, the US Food and Drug Administration announced today, Dec. 8.

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The government is dedicating new resources to improving maternal health outcomes for American Indian and Alaska Native women.
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IHS Blog: The Indian Health Service Division of Behavioral Health has awarded $600,000 through the Youth Regional Treatment Center (YRTC) Aftercare Program to the Cherokee Nation’s Jack Brown Center,  a tribal YRTC in Tahlequah, Oklahoma, to support American Indian and Alaska Native youth to pursue and sustain safety, sobriety, and employability after release from a YRTC residential treatment program. The YRTC Aftercare Program will enhance our commitment and partnership with the Cherokee Nation to provide effective and responsive aftercare and recovery services to American Indian and Alaska Native youth.