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The National Indian Health Board (NIHB) announced it is hosting the second part of the Regional Tribal Environmental Health Summit Webinar Series.

The segments of this Tribal Environmental Health Summit series are webinars and they are free and will be held on the second and fourth Wednesday of every month. 

The second part of this series will focus on Superfund Sites, and will be held on January 24, 2024.

NIHB asks you attend this webinar ready to participate and share your own insights and experiences. 

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Who should attend?

The webinar is free and open to any interested person, but is likely most relevant to Tribal leaders, Tribal health professionals, Tribal health departments, Tribal healthcare personnel, and those who want to learn more about Superfund Sites.

For questions about the Tribal webinars, please contact Aliza Bolling, CDC PHAP, Public Health Policy and Programs at [email protected].

NOTE: CE credits will not be offered for this webinar.

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Native News Online Staff
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Native News Online is one of the most-read publications covering Indian Country and the news that matters to American Indians, Alaska Natives and other Indigenous people. Reach out to us at [email protected].