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EAGLE BUTTE, S.D. — The upcoming presidential visit by President Donald Trump to Mount Rushmore has created quite a stir in Indian Country. 

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WASHINGTON — The U.S. Senate Committee on Indian Affairs will hold an oversight hearing on “Evaluating the Response and Mitigation to the COVID-19 Pandemic in Native Communities.”

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As the Blackfeet Tribal Business Council continues to take decisive action to protect the Pikunni people from the coronavirus pandemic, another existential threat to the tribe and all of Indian Country will receive international focus this week on ESPN. Blackfeet Boxing: Not Invisible directed by Kristen Lappas and Tom Rinaldi will premiere on the “worldwide leader” this Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. - EDT.

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CHICAGO — COVID-19 is killing the American Indian residents of Chicago at disproportionately high rates, but the city has chosen to keep those statistics under wraps.

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BLACKFEET INDIAN RESERVATION — On Tuesday, June 30, ESPN will feature Blackfeet Boxing: Not Invisible, a story of how former welterweight boxer (38-6) Frank Kipp (Blackfeet) has been training young American Indian girls and women to defend themselves through boxing so they don’t become another tragic statistic. 

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WASHINGTON — A federal district judge for the District of Columbia ruled late Friday that Alaska Native Corporations (ANCs) can receive Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act funds.

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MICHAELS, Ariz. — A national discount chain store on the Navajo Nation has filed an application to sell alcoholic beverages, despite opposition from the Tribe’s leadership.

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ALLENDALE, Mich. — A two-year old movement to take down a confederate statue near a Western Michigan university has gained momentum, despite the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

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Guest Opinion

During this COVID-19 emergency, we are all doing our best to self-distance, avoid getting sick, and slow the spread of this terrible virus. At Cherokee Nation, we are slowly reopening businesses and governmental offices while still utilizing telework principles to keep everyone safe to accomplish the essential work of our tribal government.