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One day after the International Olympic Committee announced that it had restored two gold medals solely in Jim Thorpe’s name, Native News Online spoke with another legendary Native American athlete who earned gold on the Olympic stage: distance runner Billy Mills. 

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On this past weekend’s edition of Native Bidaské, Managing Editor, Valerie Vande Panne, and Publisher, Levi Rickert, welcomed Jared Nally, former editor of The Indian Leader, to discuss how a recent Supreme Court ruling impacta freedom of speech and student rights remedies at Tribal Colleges and Universities (TCUs). 

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WASHINGTON — This past Wednesday, Roselyn Tso (Navajo) won approval from the Senate Committee on Indian Affairs, advancing her nomination to serve as director of the Indian Health Service (IHS). Her nomination is now ready for consideration by the full Senate. 

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Even in death, Jim Thorpe (Sac and Fox, Potawatomi) has once again made history and proved himself “the greatest athlete in the world.” 

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The Kamloopa Powwow Society is currently finding themselves at the center of outrage from Indian Country on social media after posting their rules for dancer registration to their Facebook

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Sealaska Corporation shareholders have voted to get rid of the blood quantum requirement for enrollment. The vote was tallied at the annual shareholders' meeting June 25 in Juneau.

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Thousands of parishioners from the Diocese of San Cristóbal de Las Casas ask for an end to the wave of violence that plagues the communities of the Altos, Selva and Fronteriza regions.

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The self-described “world's toughest foot race,” the Badwater 135 Ultramarathon, begins Monday, July 11 in the Badwater Basin of California’s Death Valley. Eli Neztsosie (Navajo), 34, is the lone Native runner in the race.

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ANADARKO, Okla. — In the packed Riverside Indian School gymnasium on Saturday, July 9, 2022, U.S. Secretary of the Interior Deb Haaland (Laguna Pueblo) and Assistant Secretary of the Interior for Indian Affairs Bryan Newland (Bay Mills Indian Community) began the Road to Healing Tour.