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WASHINGTON — In addition to articles already covered by Native News Online, here is a roundup of other news released from Washington, D.C. that impacts Indian Country recently.

 Open Enrollment Season for the Federal Marketplace for Healthcare Insurance Begins

The Marketplace Open Enrollment at www.HealthCare.gov is now active until January 15, 2024. Individuals should enroll by December 15 for coverage to start on January 1.

American Indians and Alaska Natives (AI/ANs) can enroll in a Marketplace plan at any time; however, enrollment during the open season is encouraged to ensure non-tribal family members are covered for the year. Marketplace Navigators are available to assist with the process, including assessing zero-premium or low-cost premium plan eligibility. Please visit www.healthcare.gov/find-assistance and this Health Coverage Options for AI/ANs guide for more information.

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CMS Releases Tribal Protections in Medicaid and CHIP Managed Care Oversight Toolkit 

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has released a tribal protecticions in Medicaid and CHIP Managed Care Oversight toolkit.The toolkit provides resources for states, managed care plans, and Indian Health Care Providers (IHCP) to maximize the benefits of Medicaid and CHIP managed care for AI/AN enrollees and the IHCPs consistent with the statutory and regulatory Indian managed care protections.

This is part of CMS efforts to advance health equity, expand coverage, and improve health outcomes for individuals who rely on Medicaid and CHIP.

Save the Date – Listening Session on Hib Vaccine Recommendations for AI/AN Infants

The Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is inviting tribes and tribal organizations to provide input on potential updates to the preferential recommendation language for Hib vaccines for  American Indian and Alaska Native infants. The vaccine provides early protection against bacterial H. influenzae meningitis. CDC, through the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices, is re-evaluating the preferential language for this vaccine (Vaxelis) now that data on antibody response after the first dose is available. The listening session will be on January 9, 2024, at 2:00pm EST. Please see this announcement for more details.

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Following the release of the U.S. Department of the Interior's final report, we at Native News Online took a moment to reflect on our extensive three-year effort to highlight the traumatic legacy of Indian boarding schools. By covering all 12 Road to Healing events and publishing over 250 articles, we have amplified survivors' voices and illuminated the lasting impact on Indigenous communities. Our work continues. Please consider donating to help fund our ongoing coverage of Indian boarding schools.

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Native News Online Staff
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