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Native Vote 2024. Native Organizers Alliance, an organization that makes changes in mainstream leadership and policy through advocacy, capacity building, and campaign support, announced that applications for their post-election National Native Community Organizer Training are now open. Trainings are for Native organizers and Tribal leaders working to engage community members. 

The training is a week-long gathering November 11-16 and will focus on improving community organizing skills in order to build effective grassroots campaigns and movements. These trainings are a part of Native Organizers Alliance’s year-round efforts of growing a powerful ecosystem of Native leaders who will continue to build collective community power.

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The training will be held in Federal Way, Washington State. The cost of housing, transportation, and most meals will be covered by the Native Organizers Alliance. Tribal and Native community leaders in rural, reservation, or urban communities -- and the staff of Native nonprofits, service agencies, and Tribal entities are encouraged to apply.

At the gathering, speakers plan to explore how communities have traditionally and historically used traditional values to organize in communities and how they can continue to do so today. They also plan to discuss building political power for change and how Tribal and urban communities can challenge the power that denies Native peoples’ inherent and sovereign rights.

The Alliance hopes that through engaging with the history of intertribal cultural values of building community, attendees will go home energized and ready to continue the community organizing work. 

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About The Author
Neely Bardwell
Author: Neely BardwellEmail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Neely Bardwell (descendant of the Little Traverse Bay Bands of Odawa Indian) is a staff reporter for Native News Online. Bardwell is also a student at Michigan State University where she is majoring in policy and minoring in Native American studies.