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The desire for students to pursue fashion design internships abroad in Paris, Milan, and Tokyo is strong for obvious reasons. However, understanding the language and cultural differences in these destinations is crucial if you want to have a positive experience abroad. Without basic language skills, you could be left feeling isolated and disconnected. So, how can you prepare yourself to embrace another language while building your fashion career?


Mastering the local language of your internship destination will facilitate everyday communication and enhance your professional experience. Using language apps, speaking with locals, and cultural immersion can all help you with your language-learning journey. 


Let’s explore the strategies and tips for leveraging your language skills and understand how language proficiency can boost your fashion career. 


Why Is Knowing the Local Language a Game-Changer?

Getting close to the locals in any foreign country is often very rewarding, both personally and professionally. With this in mind, the fashion industry is one of the most collaborative, if not the most collaborative, career available; accordingly, it requires the highest amount of communication skills that one can possess to be successful. Knowing the language of the country you are visiting is essential for fluid communication with colleagues, clients, and other fashion professionals. Pursuing fashion design internships abroad allows you to immerse yourself fully in the local culture and industry.


Students hoping to attend fashion internships abroad should focus on their language skills not only to improve professional relationships but to immerse themselves in the local culture and customs. Speaking the language will provide insight into cultural nuances that could help you create more powerful and relevant fashion designs. 

Essential Language Learning Tips for Aspiring Interns

Learning a new language is difficult for most of us and developing our skills can feel like a burden on top of our studies. With these easy language-learning tips, you can enhance your skills while you study to improve your internship experience abroad.


  • Download helpful apps
  • Give yourself a head start 
  • Immerse yourself with TV, radio, and literature
  • Take a language class
  • Learn fashion terms and vocabulary
  • Practice with friends
  • Listen to music in the relevant language


As with any new skill, practice is key. Enrolling in structured classes with a teacher is a great idea if you need someone to keep you accountable during your learning journey. Helpful program providers such as Capital Placement can also assist with language learning by offering tips and suggestions. 

How to Leverage Language Skills During Your Internship

Once you’ve taken the time to develop your language skills, you should learn how to use them effectively in your new working environment. Communicating confidently and displaying your language proficiency during meetings could provide exciting new opportunities with your employer. Accept that your skills may not be perfect and focus on showing your willingness to communicate.


Here are some key tips for demonstrating your language skills with new colleagues:


  • Ask for feedback to show your commitment
  • Pay attention to industry-specific jargon
  • Volunteer for language development tasks (translations, contacting clients, etc.)
  • Engage with colleagues at social and networking events


Learning and mastering the local language not only encourages everyday conversation with new colleagues and clients but also enhances your understanding of the culture and location. 



How Can Language Proficiency Boost Your Fashion Career?

With fierce competition and fast-moving trends, it can be difficult to stand out from the diverse crowd of fashion students seeking professional placement in the industry. Learning a language and using it effectively in the workplace can set you aside from your competitors and facilitate your immersion into a new country and culture. Proficiency in another language related to the industry can enhance your career in the following ways:


  • Improving professional skills 
  • Building a network and connecting with industry contacts
  • Understanding cultural differences in fashion
  • Increasing eligibility for a higher salary
  • Enhanced job opportunities


Learning a new language provides so many avenues for professional development during your internship abroad. Fashion students who understand more languages can also create garments that resonate with diverse audiences by connecting with different cultures and traditions. The fashion industry thrives on collaboration and communication with other artists, which is made possible by bilingual or multilingual interns. 

In Summary

Language proficiency plays a pivotal role in forging new connections with clients and colleagues in destinations abroad. Students undertaking paid fashion internships should consider brushing up on their language skills before traveling to their chosen destination to get the best outcome from their professional experience. Are you interested in paid fashion internships? Let us know your language-learning tips!