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Writing an academic essay could be challenging because it requires research, time, effort, and the ability to understand writing requirements. New college students find it difficult to understand instructions provided by their teachers. Usually, they don’t have an idea about creating a good essay that can help score better grades.

Do you want to write an expert essay?

If yes, then following a few useful suggestions can help. You don’t have to put in great efforts, just write as per the instructions and generally accepted academic rules. It won’t take you long to start writing like a pro.

Common things that you need to take care of include grammar, style, punctuation, plagiarism, references, and citations. Let’s discuss how you can boost your essay writing skills in no time!

What Can Help with Essay Writing?

There are a few important things that can help with improving your essay writing skills. 

Learning Basic Grammar 

One of the biggest mistakes that students make while writing an academic essay is using incorrect grammar. You have to work on your grammar first before you work on other improvements. 

Get familiarized with punctuation, use of verbs, tenses, and subject. Learn how you can create a better sentence structure. Avoid using long sentences because they can make your write-up look hard to understand. 

Although it’s fine to use tools such as Grammarly, understanding the basic grammar rules is essential to boost your academic writing. Many productive websites can help you learn about the correct use of grammar. Start learning using such authentic platforms. If you keep the momentum, it shouldn’t take you too long to write with zero grammatical errors.

If learning grammar is difficult, you can seek professional assistance from the best essay writing service. Subject experts from reliable writing platforms provide error-free essays well before the given deadline.  

Being to the Point

Another great way to augment your essay writing abilities is to use concise phrases and word choices. An academic essay should be subject-oriented. It shouldn’t talk about irrelevant stuff that has nothing to do with the thesis statement.

Don’t extend your paragraphs or sentences unnecessarily. Furthermore, don’t try to use complex words and phrases. They are likely to make your write-up look hard to read. Opt for simple words so that even a young student can read and understand your explanations.

Don’t use a complex sentence where a simple one can suffice. The success of your essay depends upon the ability to make people understand the point appropriately. That’s why your aim shouldn’t be to impress readers by using convoluted words or phrases.

Using Active Voice

Using active voice instead of passive voice makes your essay look professional. It doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t use a passive voice even a single time in your entire essay. Of course, you can where it’s necessary. 

However, try to maximize the use of active voice sentences. They give a strong impression about a specific situation. Academic institutions want students to write in an active voice because it helps make the write-up clear.

Those who fill their essays with lots of passive voice sentences seldom get appreciation and good feedback from teachers. So, try to be among the ones who use active sentence structure in their assignments.

Using Rhythmic Sentence Structure

When you write an essay, you are not supposed to talk to a robot. Real human beings will read your thoughts and explanations. That’s why try using a rhythmic sentence structure. Your paper shouldn’t be monotonous. 

Create interest in your essay by bringing a variation in the sentence structure. A short sentence after a couple of long sentences can help maintain a good level of interest. This will also help you to engage readers. 

Following a choppy approach will make your essay look unprofessional. Make sure to remove all the unnecessary sentences, phrases, and words that dilute the authenticity of your work. 

Avoiding Slangs

Academic writing is formal. Avoid using contractions and slang that you use in oral communication. I know writers use contractions everywhere on the internet, but an essay assignment should be free from these. Use “You are” instead of “You’re”. 

Another good way to help you write well is to write using third-person. Avoid using “me” or “I”. See if your tutor has instructed anything further about not using slags and contractions. Try to stick to the instructions to make your write-up in line with the professor’s requirements.

Expanding Your Vocabulary

No one can write a perfect essay using a limited vocabulary. You need to expand your treasure of words to make your assignment diverse and well-versed.

Developing a good reading habit is great to enhance your word choice. You can read a book b your favourite author and underline words that you don't know. Open thesaurus and find meanings so that you can use the same words in the relevant context while writing an essay.

There are useful websites that can help you build a strong vocabulary. Try to visit and learn new words regularly. Soon you should start feeling confident about your power of words.

In most cases, essays and homework assignments have specific styles and structures. Reviewing the successful academic work of experienced students can help you create a good understanding of word selection. 

Additionally, you need to develop a good comprehension of subject-related terminology. Remember all the key terms used in specific subjects. For instance, if you write an essay on the latest technology or science, then you should have a good collection of scientific terminologies to make your essay look professional. 

Creating an Outline

Make sure to have the basics ready before you start writing. Creating an outline helps you save time and effort. You can create a structure including an introduction, thesis statement, body, and conclusion. 

Add relevant key points under each section so that you don’t have to look back at the sources that you utilized for this purpose. Once you have the essentials ready, it shouldn’t take you long to write an essay according to the instructions.

Generally, all academic essays have a similar structure. However, you can confirm with your teacher if you have any doubts in this regard.

Performing a Thorough Research

Never start writing without performing in-depth research about the subject that you have been assigned. If you want to convince readers and get awesome feedback, then you will have to put in relevant stats and figures.

Take help from authenticated resources and don’t forget to mention them in references and citations. Go to the college or university library and ask a librarian about the relevant materials. They should help you in getting the required information. You can read related books and notes. 

If you can’t find the information you are looking for, don’t forget the internet. It’s no less than a blessing for information seekers. Details related to all subjects and topics are accessible in a few clicks. Wikipedia and other credible websites provide authentic information to use in assignments. You can use all the resources while creating a list of references.


Writing a good quality academic essay is easy when you follow the right approach. Try to write as per the above suggestions. Make sure you check your write-up using an authentic online plagiarism tool. It should be unique and not copied from other sources. Universities have strict plagiarism policies. Your teacher won’t tolerate it if they detect any plagiarism.