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 The National Council of Urban Indian Health (NCUIH) is urging the federal government to exempt the Indian Health System from any future funding restrictions or pauses, it said today in a statement.

The call comes in response to this week’s temporary freeze of federal funds per a controversial White House memorandum.

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Although the memo was rescinded within two days, NCUIH issued a statement detailing its concerns about potential future threats to Indian health system funding. The council says that any disruption in financial support could have severe consequences for American Indian and Alaska Native communities by putting the entire IHS at risk of staff reductions, service suspensions, or facility closures.

The statement pointed to the 2019 government shutdown when funding interruptions led to IHS service reductions.

NCUIH is requesting a permanent exemption for the IHS—including Tribal organizations and Urban Indian organizations—from any future funding restrictions or pauses.

“Even a temporary halt in funding could immediately deprive Native communities of necessary health services,” Walter Murillo (Choctaw), NCUIH Board President said in a press release today. “As leaders of Urban Indian Organizations, we’re on the front lines of providing essential healthcare to Tribal citizens. We’re calling for a specific exemption for the entire Indian Health System from any future funding restrictions or pauses. This isn’t just about honoring agreements; it’s about fulfilling the federal government’s trust responsibility to provide healthcare for Tribal citizens, regardless of where they live.

According to today’s statement, NCUIH is actively working with Congress, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), and the Department of Health and Human Services to secure the exemption and prevent future funding disruptions. The organization has sent letters to both Congress and HHS outlining the critical need for uninterrupted financial support for the Indian Health System.

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