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October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. In recognition of the American Cancer Society's "Making Strides Against Breast Cancer" campaign during Breat Cancer Awareness month, Gun Lake Casinon, located in one-half way between Grand Rapids and Kalamazoo, Michigan at the US - 131's  Bradley exit, is hosting a series of events to raise money for the the worthy cause.

“Every year we come upon this month it is very special for all of us here at Gun Lake Casino,”  Jose Flores, Senior Vice President and General Manager of Gun Lake Casino said. “We know  that our team members and community members have been impacted by this disease, which  makes our breast cancer awareness campaign one of our most important events of the year.  We encourage everyone to donate, educate, and volunteer.”  

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Throughout the month, GLC is offering several ways for team members and guests to donate to  the American Cancer Society in support of the cause to prevent, detect, treat, and survive  cancer.  

Every Monday in October guests can donate to the American Cancer Society to receive a dollar for-dollar match, up to $20, in free slot play. Guests must redeem at the Cashier’s Cage. More  information is also available at the Rewards Center.  

Additionally, every day in October, Breast Cancer Awareness t-shirts are available at the  Appliques Gift Shop with all proceeds going directly to the American Cancer Society. 

Thoroughout October, Gun Lake Casino is offering food and beverage specialty items as part of the  fundraising effort. Guests can purchase a pink lemonade, Bahama Mama, and/or a pink  cupcake – all proceeds go directly to the American Cancer Society. These items are available at  any of the following places: Crossroads, Chill Bar, 131 Sportsbar & Lounge, and Grab & Go.  

The American Cancer Society will be present every Monday from 11am– 2pm inside the casino, at  the south entrance to distribute eucational materials are available to all guests.  

Finally, Gun Lake Casino is again the presenting sponsor for the American Cancer Society’s  Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk at Calder Plaza in downtown Grand Rapids. The  event will take place on October 21, 2023.  

Last year, Gun Lake Casino raised over $23,000 for the American Cancer Society during October. 


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Native News Online Staff
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