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In recognition of National Women’s Veterans Day on Wednesday, June 12, the 25th Navajo Nation Council honored the strength and sacrifice of all women warriors who serve to protect our sacred homelands and freedom.

National Women’s Veterans Day is celebrated on June 12, on the anniversary of the 1948 Women’s Armed Services Integration Act signed by President Harry S. Truman. This year marked the 76th anniversary of that groundbreaking legislation for America’s military women, granting women a permanent place and an opportunity for a career in the nation’s military.

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“Although women were legally permitted to serve in the U.S. Armed Forces with the signing of the Women’s Armed Services Integration Act by President Harry S. Truman in 1948, women served in the military in various capacities since the American Revolution and World War I,” said Speaker Crystalyne Curley. 

Overall, 20 percent of all Native American military service members are women. 

“The sad reality is that our women veterans do not always receive the recognition they deserve, which causes them to face many challenges in the military. As we honor our women veterans today, we must pledge to address the disparities they face in their service to our country.”

As veterans, women face the highest rate of suicide, homelessness, PTSD, and sexual assault. Many women veterans still struggle to get access to basic care.

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