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The metaverse is a term usually applied to a future internet where all of our social and otherwise interactions take place in virtual reality. Several projects have already experimented with what a decentralized metaverse could look like. In the metaverse, you can explore virtual cities and join communities where your actions have real-life consequences.

You can acquire some land (or sky), start building a project, and earn money by selling it to others. Or you can buy a piece of art or collectible in one world and sell it at a higher price in another.

The Sandbox

The Sandbox has been around for some time now and is still one of the most popular projects on the blockchain. The Sandbox is a decentralized gaming platform built on the Ethereum blockchain. Like Decentraland, users can create and monetize their games and virtual worlds. The key difference between them is that The Sandbox features 3D gaming with more advanced graphics, making it easier for creators to produce high-quality content. 

 This 3D editor makes it much easier to create your assets. The game has also partnered with Square Enix, Atari, and other huge brands, which shows there is a lot of interest in this project. The game already has more than 5 million registered users and a vast community. There are also many other metaverse platforms to choose from, but most don’t have that massive user base and community yet.


Ertha is another platform that has been around for some time now. Ertha is a decentralized NFT marketplace built on the Ethereum blockchain. The project’s mission is to provide a marketplace for digital collectibles with low fees and high security. Ertha is also trying to democratize art by giving everyone with an internet connection access to its platform.

 It’s built on top of the Loom Network and offers users the opportunity to explore virtual worlds, meet up with friends, sell their creations, and do more. The game received a significant update that includes new tools for creators like new cloth physics, lighting, shadows, reflections, and post-processing effects. 


Metacity creates a virtual reality cityscape where blockchain companies can set up shop. It is an open-source project that aims to build a decentralized city, complete with governance and a thriving economy. Users can interact with each other in this space and feel what the product or service has to offer before making any commitments. Metacity aims to be an innovative solution for attracting new customers focusing on the cryptocurrency industry.

The platform has two core components — the Metacity world, which involves building and exploring the 3D environment, and the Metacity Protocol, which allows developers to build their worlds on top of it. The protocol is essentially a set of tools and standards used to create new experiences on top of Metacity's infrastructure.

Epik Prime

Epik Prime is taking gaming to the next level by eliminating the limitations of current virtual economies. This includes high fees, slow transaction speeds, and a lack of interoperability between platforms. The team has created an open protocol that enables actual ownership, enabling users to take complete control of their digital assets without relying on any third party.