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Hi, everyone. Welcome to this article. Today, we will learn about Python and Python list methods. This knowledge is essential for learning Python. Let’s follow this article now. 

Overview about Python


First, we need to have an overview of Python.


Python is a popular high-level, general-purpose programming language. Guido van Rossum designed it in 1991, and the Python Software Foundation has worked to enhance it. Programmers may convey their ideas in less code because of its syntax, created with code readability in mind.


Python is a programming language that enables quick work and more effective system integration.


Although many factors contribute to Python's popularity, it's incredibly straightforward syntax is one of the key draws for users. Python has developed everything from the software that runs self-driving vehicles to Netflix's recommendation engine. Python may be used for multiple tasks, including automation, software and web development, data research, and everyday task completion.


Charles R. Severance of the University of Michigan and Coursera lecturer wrote in their Python book: Writing programs is a very creative and rewarding activity. You can build programs for various purposes, such as resolving a challenging data analysis challenge, having fun assisting someone else in addressing their problem, or even earning a living.


The list is the most straightforward container and the most effective tool used in Python because it can be heterogeneous. Data types like Strings, Integers, and Objects can all be found in one list. Lists are mutable, so changes can be made to them even after they have been created. To learn more about Python lists, let’s visit Python Lists: Everything You Need To Know.


You can use various built-in methods on lists in Python. Let’s move to the next part to explore what they are.

Built-in methods on lists in Python


1. append(): This function is used for adding an element at the end of the list. Look at its syntax below:


list.append (element)


  • element: This is a required parameter. it can be a number, object, string, or any type.


2. insert(): Used for inserting the specified values at the specified positions.


list.insert(<position, element)


  • position: A required parameter, it’s a number indicating the position in which to place the value.
  • element: Required. It can be an object, string, number, or any type.


3. clear(): Removing all elements from the list.



Parameter: None


4. copy(): Returning a shallow copy of a specified list.



Parameter: None

5. count(): Counting the elements in the list. This method will return the number of times a value appears in the list.




  • value: required. It can be numbers, string, tuple, list,...


6. extend(): Adding items in the iterable (set, list, dictionary, tuple, or string) that is being specified to the end of the list.




  • iterable: A required parameter. It can be any iterable such as set, list, tuple, …

7. index(): Returning the index location of the specified item's first occurrence. If no item is located, ValueError will appear.


list.index(element, start, end)


  • element: Required. It can be an object, string, number, or any type.
  • start: Optional. The position to begin searching.
  • end: Optional. The position to stop searching.

8. pop(): Deleting the item from the list and returning it from the provided index position. The list.pop() method removes and returns the final item in the list if no index is given.




  • index: The element located at the given index is deleted. The last element is eliminated if the index is not provided. It’s optional.

9. reverse(): Reversing the elements' index positions in the list. The first element will be at the last index, followed by the second element, etc.



Parameter: None

10. sort(): Sorting the elements of the list. 


list.sort(reverse=True|False, key=myFunc)


  • reverse: (Optional) If reverse=True, the list will be sorted in descending order. reverse=False is default. 
  • key: (Optional) a function for defining sorting criteria (s).


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