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The older we become, the more health concerns we are likely to have. Senior citizens can suffer from a wide range of conditions. However, it’s not always clear what conditions they are more susceptible to. 

This article hopes to help with this. Below, you will find some of the top health concerns among senior citizens. 

Balance Issues

Many senior citizens struggle with their balance. As we age, we’re more likely to fall over. In addition to our balance not being what it used to be, our eyesight can be affected. 

This is why so many people use elderly fall prevention methods to help keep their relatives safe. The measures can potentially save a senior citizen's life.

Many older people die as a result of a fall. Those who survive may have even more mobility issues. 

Heart Disease 

Those who are aged 65 or over are more likely to suffer from heart disease than anyone else. This condition can be caused by:

  • Genetics
  • High cholesterol
  • Lifestyle 
  • High blood pressure

The best way to help prevent people from suffering from heart disease is to look after their hearts. The sooner someone takes care of their heart, the less likely they are to suffer from this condition. 


Approximately 55 million adults in this country aged 50+ have osteoporosis. Almost all adults who are over the age of 80 have some type of osteoarthritis. In some cases, this condition can be genetic. However, a healthy diet and regular exercise can help to prevent osteoporosis. 


While diabetes is a widely-known condition, not everyone is aware of how at-risk they are. This condition can potentially make life very difficult. However, most people seem to deal with diabetes fairly easily.

Almost a quarter of all adults aged 65+ have diabetes. Unfortunately, those who are at-risk may not know they are. 

Lifestyle changes such as a reduction in sugar consumption can help. Additionally, getting plenty of exercise and maintaining a good weight can help. 

Oral Health Problems 

Not every senior citizen will lose their teeth, however, many will. The right type of oral care can make a huge difference. For example:

  • Seeing a dentist every 6 months can help
  • Brushing your teeth regularly can make a difference
  • Quitting smoking can help
  • Reducing your sugar intake can make a difference

All of the above factors can help senior citizens to keep their own teeth. 

Vision Loss 

Senior citizens are always encouraged to have their vision checked regularly. Macular degeneration, glaucoma, and cataracts are a real concern for senior citizens. In fact, millions of people suffer from these conditions every year. 

Hearing Loss 

Those over the age of 65 are more likely to suffer from hearing loss than their younger counterparts. Those who are 65+ are encouraged to have their hearing checked at regular intervals. 

Many senior citizens wear hearing aids to help them cope with hearing loss. A natural part of aging, hearing loss can usually be resolved with a hearing aid. 


Cancer is another condition that a lot of senior citizens suffer from. These days, there are many successful treatments available. 

A cancer diagnosis does not automatically mean someone is going to die. However, the risk of suffering from cancer increases as we age:

  • Older women may be more prone to endometrial or cervical cancer
  • Older men may be susceptible to prostate cancer

Detecting cancer early is important as it can help to increase the chances of survival. 


While pneumonia is not strictly a condition that affects senior citizens, they are more prone to it. This is because senior citizens tend to have a weakened immune system. 

Cognitive Decline 

We’re all told that it’s important to keep our brains active. This is because it can help to delay the onset of memory loss and some types of dementia. 

Not everyone will suffer from dementia, so it’s important that the signs are recognized. While memory loss is common among senior citizens, dementia is not. 

With early intervention in addition to treatment, the progress of this disease can be slowed. 

Please note that genetics and lifestyle can have a significant impact on an individual’s health. Therefore, not everyone is likely to have the same health issues. However, knowing what the top health concerns are means everyone can make adjustments to their lifestyle, should they need to. 

Please make sure you keep an eye on your elderly relatives. If you think they’re ill, talk to them about your concerns.