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We are living in the days when artificial intelligence starts to enter our lives at an enormous speed. New ways to use this technology come up almost every week or month. It’s no surprise if you’ll soon find AI helping with your job projects, advising the best game at the online casino Nederland, or checking and improving your writing. Sounds good but every new technology has drawbacks as well. In the case of artificial intelligence, it’s a potential threat to human civilization in the future. So, should we pursue this road or better turn elsewhere before it’s too late?

  • It’s Already too Late to Forget About It

Though AI development is still at a nascent stage, the progress is impressive. The technology already exists and it works, though not perfectly. It means that just stopping all the existing research won’t work. If we do so, the underground development of artificial intelligence will continue by certain governments or businesses. That’s not a solution at all.


What we need in the sphere of AI is proper regulation by governments and international organizations. It’s the only way to benefit from the technology while minimizing the risks. The regulation process should include creating the appropriate legislation and institutions.


  • What Are the Benefits?

The advantages of employing AI in different spheres of our lives are more than vast. There are dozens of ways how we can benefit from it. Here are only a few pros to mention:


  • a new way to get information with inbuilt systematization and analysis tools;
  • assistance in studying, job projects, and entertainment search;
  • a quick check of information, including trustworthiness, accuracy, and plagiarism;
  • potential breakthroughs in science using AI computing capabilities;
  • digital art development to an unseen-before level;
  • artificial intelligence as an assistant in most spheres of our lives.


  • What Are the Dangers?

Scientists first predicted the development of artificial intelligence in the 1960s – 1970s. Then Hollywood has taught us all to be afraid of AI. The Terminator movie series starring Arnold Schwarzenegger probably had the strongest effect on people’s imagination. Though sci-fi movies show us fantasy events or very exaggerated reality, there are actual reasons to think artificial intelligence may be dangerous. You shouldn’t worry about “Skynet” for now. The following risk, however, may cause humanity lots of troubles as well:


  • hackers using AI to create more dangerous web hazards;
  • artificial intelligence in the hand of paramilitary groups and corrupted governments;
  • AI being uncontrollably released on the Internet with no comprehensible consequences;
  • governments using artificial intelligence for surveillance and spying on citizens;
  • a not very probable but still plausible scenario of AI revolt in the faraway future.


  • Conclusion

Artificial intelligence is an amazing technology that can bring a lot of marvels to our world. It, however, poses significant dangers to humanity in case of inappropriate or uncontrolled usage. The best thing we can do now is to regulate it with proper legislation and try to prevent the known hazards. No one knows what the future brings, but the doomsday scenario is currently not on the table.