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An interesting “trend has occurred in cosmetic surgery the last two years,” says top Beverly Hills Rhinoplasty surgeon Dr. Robert Kotler. “We saw an increase in rhinoplasty inquiries during the COVID-19 pandemic.” This trend was seen throughout the entire professional field with Rhinoplasty being the #1 cosmetic procedure performed according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) 2020. 

Gone are the days when patients need to take time off from work for a rhinoplasty procedure. We have settled into “the new normal.” Working from home makes getting a procedure a much more convenient choice. More so, wearing a COVID-19 mask helps hide any possible bruising or swelling when out in public. 

To answer the age-old question, “what should you expect from swelling and what are some other options you might consider?”

The Swelling

Postoperative swelling after a nose job is a common occurrence. This puffiness, or “edema,” is a result of tiny blood vessels leaking fluids into the surrounding tissue. The fluid builds up causing the tissue to swell. While there are many causes for edema, when it comes to rhinoplasty the tissue in the nose undergoes trauma, triggering the edema. What concerns most patients is the duration of time it takes for the swelling to completely subside.  

How long does the swelling last?

After undergoing Rhinoplasty, much of the swelling and bruising disappear within ten days. As the body heals, the fluids built up in the tissue cells are gradually released.  The swollen nose and cheeks then return to uniformity, being mostly unnoticed. During this time, the patient may return to their regular routines such as returning to work, school, or the gym.  

Although the swelling is not so prominent two weeks post-operation, complete healing does take several months.  It is for this reason that most cosmetic surgeons take their patients “after” photos about fourth months after surgery. It may take up to a year for the residual swelling to fully dissipate, which is unnoticeable to anyone except your surgeon. By then, the patient will already have a natural-looking nose with no obvious swelling.

Another Option

The idea of surgery and all it entails, including costs may be discouraging and even intimidating for many. Permanent non-surgical rhinoplasty or non-surgical rhinoplasty is another wonderful option for anyone who would prefer not to undergo surgical rhinoplasty. These procedures are a series of permanent filler injections which conceal bumps, correct a broken nose, and other imperfections. Permanent non-surgical rhinoplasty takes only minutes with no or minimal swelling, bruising, or recovery time at home.