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The rise of the Metaverse, a virtual world with real-time interaction between people and digital objects, is driven by cutting-edge technology.

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Cryptocurrency investing is full of volatile fluctuations, and sudden double-digit drops may be disheartening for even experienced investors. At such times, mental toughness can help us to endure downturns.

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Blockchain technology, commonly known as DLT (Distributed Ledger Technology), offers the ability to make the history of any digital asset immutable.

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A cryptocurrency is a digital form of money not managed by any government or central system. Instead, it uses blockchain technology with Bitcoin being the most recognizable currency among many others.

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Cryptocurrencies are based on blockchain networks, where each transaction is a cryptographic hash of accurate digits. Yet the industry has attracted professionals from various backgrounds - developers, economists and corporate executives who share imagination and creativity.

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Cryptocurrency offers a unique financial opportunity in digital currency, allowing users to store money securely within "digital wallets". Although this has gained tremendous popularity over the last decade, it has also become the center of many scams.

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Along with the growing popularity of digital assets, it is also increasingly likely that clients, trustees, and advisors may soon encounter them in estates and trusts.

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However, in this digital world, thousands of smaller tokens and projects make up small fractions of the market cap, but here are the top 3 cryptocurrencies that make up the majority of the total crypto market cap.

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Cryptocurrency-backed savings accounts can offer extremely high rates of return compared with traditional savings products, some boasting APYs of up to 10%. It's important to understand the associated risks before investing in one though; these accounts are not backed by government protection like a traditional account.

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With the potential to generate significant returns, cryptocurrencies have become a favourite of many investors. However, not everyone has enough expertise or financial and technological knowledge required for successful investments.