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Memory is an essential function of the brain. We use our memory continuously without thinking about it: addresses, phone numbers, first and last names, titles of programs and books, multiplication tables, recipes, and much more.

But all people have different memory efficiency – some can learn two foreign languages in a year, and some need to be constantly reminded of something. Mind palace is a unique technique that changes your thoughts about memorization.

What Is A Memory Palace?

The mind palace is a technique based on mental-spatial associations that create and use what is in a person's memory.

It is the principle of visualization. For example, if you close your eyes, you can recreate a well-known room or event from life. Thus, you extract the necessary information by adding it to a specific sequence of images (pictures). This method is relatively easy to practice, even for people with an average memory.

The Principle Of Operation Of This Technique

Thought travel is a way to increase the quality of memory. Visualization is responsible for the activity of spatial memory, and as we found out, without such a function as memorization, people would not be able to live fully. Therefore, this method must be applied in practice to improve the quality of your life. It will be much easier for you to remember any information.

The principle of the mind palace is to visualize objects, objects, and the room's environment. The information that we assimilate in a day is short-term. The purpose of this technique is the ability to remember large amounts of data for an extended period. Such a property is part of our mind and appears in recreating images. The mind palace is an effective technique for focusing on important information by remembering it through visualization.

For the method's convenience, you can use different colors, sounds, objects, or environments. Thus, choosing the most convenient way for yourself will make it easier for you to remember information. Having learned to extract information using visualization, you will look less into gadget memos.

Anyone can learn how to put this method into practice, and there is nothing complicated – the main thing is patience and time to acquire skills. When the technique is brought to automatism, it will no longer be challenging.

How To Create A Mind Palace?

Now let's take a closer look at how this can be used in practice.

  1. Choose a suitable location. A standard room, street, house, apartment, or park will do – where everything is familiar and where you feel comfortable. But the larger the space you choose, the larger the spectrum of the halls will be provided to you for "connecting" them with information.
  2. Recreate the memory chain. You can choose a wardrobe, table, nightstand, or window if this is a room. If the park – a remarkable tree or bush, a tent with coffee or ice cream, a ticket office selling tickets for attractions. Choose everything easy to remember, and recreating these images will not cause negative emotions.
  3. Next, decide on the route. It would be best to recreate the memory chain in a specific sequence, so your movement should be as simple and easy to remember as possible.
  4. Assign an association. Each selected object will be the "carrier" of information along the way. Try to "connect" the thing to the data, so it is easy to recreate it later.
  5. Load memory sections. Each selected object for "loading" or "attaching" information should quickly help extract the necessary information visually following the route. 

Research scientists show that this method encourages people to replenish their knowledge and increases their mental abilities.

Rules While Using The Technique

To increase the method's effectiveness, you must adhere to the rules, and the result will not keep you waiting. And the rules are:

  • the environment of the premises or the area is well known, causing pleasant emotions;
  • the place should be well-lit;
  • there should be no obstacles that make it difficult to see objects;
  • the associative picture should be in bright colors;
  • the selected objects should be large;
  • frequent visits to the "storage" of memory and iterate over the selected objects, adding the following – the more often there are "visits," the easier it will be to visualize and compare the thing with the data.

This method is quite simple – the main thing is systemic practice and following the recommendations.