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CBD is currently one of the most talked-about products within the health and wellness world. This sudden trend is due to an increased focus on research and a better understanding of how CBD can benefit the human body.

As a growing number of people become interested in CBD oils and the idea of using them as a health supplement, the industry has also seen a considerable amount of growth. There are continuously new CBD brands and products entering the market.

It is now incredibly easy to find CBD online stores and try out various CBD options. While having so much choice is a good thing, it has also made shopping for CBD oils a minefield for those who are new to the world of CBD.

Here are our top tips for how to shop for and find the very best CBD hemp oils.

#1 - Understanding What CBD Oil Is

While it is not necessary to be a CBD expert to shop for and find the best oils, it does help to understand a little about what cannabidiol is and how it is made.

CBD oils are made using CBD extract, which comes from hemp plants, and carrier oil. The hemp plants used and the quality of the oil can make a big difference in the quality of CBD oils.

Understanding the differences between hemp plant strains, extraction methods, and the various carrier oils used is extremely helpful when shopping for CBD oils.

There are many excellent websites that focus on providing articles designed for beginners to help them learn the very basics. It is worth reading through some of the articles on these sites before heading out to purchase CBD oils for the first time.

#2 - Choosing the Best CBD Hemp Oil Store

When purchasing CBD oils, there are a few different options available. For those who prefer to shop in physical locations, as opposed to online, health food stores and pharmacies can be a great place to look.

Alternatively, CBD oils can be purchased from third-party retailers or directly from a particular CBD brand when shopping online.

Each option has its benefits, and third-party retailers allow customers to easily view multiple different brands at once. While shopping directly with a brand often provides a broader range of products and more detailed information about them.

To save time when shopping for CBD oils, it is good to narrow down the list of potential CBD stores. This saves time and makes it easier to compare products against each other.

#3 - Check Where Brands Are Sourcing Their CBD from

There are hundreds of hemp plant strains, and each one provides a slightly different cannabinoid and terpene combination. Other factors such as the climate in which plants have been grown, the soil used, and the extraction methods contribute to the final quality and potency of CBD oils.

It is worth doing a little research into where CBD brands are sourcing their hemp plants from and the methods that they are using to extract CBD from the plants.

In general, single-source hemp plants are considered to be better as they provide a more consistent cannabinoid ratio. CBD oils made from a blend of different hemp plants, on the other hand, often have the advantage of being slightly cheaper.

#4 - Compare the Ingredients Used to Make CBD Oils

It is not just the hemp plants that are used that contribute to the overall quality of CBD oils. The other ingredients, such as oils and flavorings, also play a part in determining the quality of a product.

Certain oils, including olive and coconut, are considered some of the better types of oils for combining with CBD extract. Natural flavorings, whether in the form of terpenes or plant extracts, are generally better than artificial flavorings.

Comparing the complete ingredient lists for CBD oils is a good way of narrowing down the number of oils when trying to choose just the one to buy.

#5 - Choosing the Right Strength and Flavor

Choosing the right strength and flavor profile is perhaps one of the hardest parts of shopping for CBD oils, as there is no correct answer. Both the strength and the flavor of oil will depend on the individual and their preferences.

If you are worried about trying CBD for the first time, always opt for the lowest available strength. As the body hasn't built up a natural CBD tolerance, even a small dose can cause an effect. 

Another thing to decide, after strength, is whether a flavored or unflavored oil will be best when it comes to flavor. Unflavored oils are great for mixing into foods and drinks, while flavored oils are more palatable when used on their own. All in all, choosing a flavor that sounds enjoyable to you is always best.