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Solar battery storage is essential if you want to go off the grid and become completely energy independent. A solar system can power your home throughout the day. However, you need a place to store excess energy if you want to use it at night or prepare for storms.

The demand for clean-sourced electricity is rising as more people are hopping on the solar train. But have you ever wondered how these solar advances work? Read on to learn more about solar battery technology.

What Is a Solar Battery?

Do you know what happens to the excess electricity produced by your solar power system? Instead of running your home, the extra energy goes to the grid and supplies people's needs. To use the energy generated by your panels, invest in solar battery storage.

Solar battery storage is a tool to keep excess electricity produced by solar panels. It uses the energy your system creates and increases your independence from the grid. If you want to make the most of the energy generated by your panels, you must invest in solar battery storage.

How Does It Work?

The process starts with your solar panels.

After getting solar energy from the sun, the direct current electricity goes through an inverter. This allows it to generate alternating current electricity. Next, this electricity runs the appliances, and the excess charges the solar batteries.

Did you know that the system can track your electricity usage? Instead of the grid, its internal system diverts the extra energy to the battery. When it detects high demand, it distributes the stored electricity.

How Long Can It Power a House?

Although it stores excess energy, solar battery storage has limits. It can only power your home for a few hours. It depends on the electricity need, solar power system output, and battery storage capacity.

Capacity refers to the amount of energy the solar battery can store. You can measure this in kilowatt-hours (kWh) ranging from 1 kWh to 10 kWh. If you want more storage capacity, you will need to use multiple batteries.

With technology, battery software uses algorithms to systemize energy production. This allows it to decide when to store and distribute energy. Further, using nanotechnology can increase energy storage capacity.

It can increase the surface and size of battery electrodes. If this happens, the battery can absorb more energy during charging.

Different Types of Solar Batteries

When storing extra electricity, there are different types of batteries used.

1. Lithium-Ion Battery

One of the batteries used and preferred by most companies is the lithium-ion battery. Experts designed this in line with the development of battery technology for electric cars.

Lithium-ion batteries can store more energy and hold them longer. Lithium ions have a higher Depth of Discharge, which refers to the battery's usable capacity percentage.

On average, its DoD doesn't fall below 90%. These batteries have a longer lifespan and need less maintenance. However, lithium-ion batteries are the most expensive because of the high demand.

2. Lead-Acid Battery

Lead-acid battery is the oldest battery. Unlike the lithium-ion battery, this has a shorter lifespan and lower depth of discharge. Experts recommend not exceeding 50% DoD when using a lead-acid battery.

Lead-acid batteries can come in two types: sealed lead-acid and flooded lead-acid.

Sealed batteries have less toxic gas emissions when charging. The flooded version looks like a larger traditional car battery. Among the different battery types, the lead-acid battery is the cheapest.

3. Nickel-Cadmium Battery

Nickel-cadmium batteries are the most popular for commercial-scale projects. It can run in extreme temperatures without complex battery management systems. If you need a durable battery for extensive operation, this is the best choice.

Despite its benefits, many users avoid using nickel-cadmium batteries due to their toxicity.

4. Flow Battery

Although new in battery technology, the flow battery gains attention for its features. Instead of using toxic components, this battery uses water-based materials. It has a 100% depth of discharge.

Remember, the discharge depth equates to the battery's storage capacity. If the DoD is 100%, it can use 100% of its battery capacity. Despite these features, a flow battery has its drawbacks.

First, this battery is new and needs improvement. Secondly, it's expensive compared to other batteries considering its flaws. Finally, a flow battery consumes more space because of its low storage capacity.

Benefits of Having Solar Battery Storage

Using solar battery storage helps you get the most out of the energy produced by your solar panels. Here are some of its benefits.

1. Stores Excess Electricity

Many people install solar panels in their homes to save energy and money. Often, it generates more energy than you need. Without solar battery storage, the excess power goes to the grid.

Although you can earn extra credit, the earnings often don't follow a 1:1 ratio.

If you have solar battery storage, the excess power charges your battery for later use. Instead of connecting to the grid, you can use stored energy. As a result, you become independent of the grid.

2. Solves Backup Power Needs

Despite generating energy at night, solar panels produce little energy, which isn't enough for use. With a solar battery, you never have to worry about losing power or connection. You can use stored energy to run the appliances and keep the lights on.

You can count on your solar battery during a power outage, shortage, or storm. Upon detecting energy demand, the solar battery begins to distribute its stored energy. Apart from grid independence, using solar batteries lowers your utility bills.

3. Reduces Carbon Footprint

Fossil energy is responsible for 73% of greenhouse gas emissions. Using solar energy is the most sustainable choice and allows you to move away from fossil fuel reliance. Solar energy is 100% clean and can help you reduce your carbon footprint.

Everything You Need to Know About Solar Battery Storage

Solar battery storage allows you to keep excess energy you can use in a power outage or shortage. Although an upfront investment, you can guarantee its benefit are worth it.

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