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Everybody wants to make sure that their English always looks good while speaking, or writing. Needless to say, that your way of communication is the reflection of who you are? Grammatical Errors, Misspellings, and punctuation mistakes are some common errors that occur if your basics are not clear. 8 parts exist in a speech in the English language. Out of which Adjective, and Adverb are the most common that creates a lot of confusion.


Adjectives are used to describe nouns. Whereas, adverbs are used with words to say how things are done. If the word modifies the subject you are recommended to choose an adjective. On the same token, if it modifies the verb you should use an adverb. For detailed differentiation between the 2 terms don’t forget to visit https://askanydifference.com/difference-between-adjective-and-adverb/.

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What is an Adjective?

An Adjective gives more explanatory information in the statement about the noun, or pronoun. They indicate things like- size, shape, color, etc. Without adjectives, you won’t understand an integral component of the sentence. 

The Adjective also restricts or limits the meaning of a noun, or pronoun. The majority of times they come before the noun. This, That, These, and Those are 4 demonstrative adjectives. On the same token, Which, What, and Whose are interrogative adjectives. Such adjectives are used to begin a question. 

There also exists the comparative and superlative forms of adjectives. Its order may vary, but the most common order is-

Size> Age> Shape> Color> Nationality> Material

Some common examples of the adjective are as follows-

This book seemed interesting

That Dog looks cute

Riya is a responsible girl

That woman looked angry

Sam performed great

Types of Adjectives-


Here are the top 7 types of adjectives. 

Possessive Adjectives- As the name indicates, such adjectives are used to indicate possession. They also function as possessive pronouns. Some examples are-

  1. My
  2. Your
  3. His
  4. Her
  5. Its
  6. Our
  7. Their

Demonstrative Adjectives- They are used to indicate, or demonstrate specific people, animals, or things. Some examples of demonstrative adjectives are- this, those, these, and that.

Coordinate Adjectives- They are separated with the commas, or the word, and appear one after another. 

Number Adjectives- You can say that a number is an adjective if it answers the question ‘How Many’?

Interrogative Adjectives- Which, What, and Whose are the 3 interrogative adjectives. They are used to modify nouns, and are used to ask questions.

  • Which Option Sounds best to you?
  • What time should we go?
  • Whose socks are those?

Indefinite Adjective- They are used to discuss non-specific things like the article a, and an. The most common indefinite objectives are any, many, no, several, and few. 

Attributive Adjectives- They are used to discuss attributes. They talk about special traits, qualities, or features. For instance-

Size and shape attribute talks about physical activities

Age adjective denotes specific age

Material Adjective denotes what something is made of

Color Adjectives- As the name suggests these adjectives indicate color

Meaning and Examples of Adverb-


Besides verbs, an adverb can also modify adjectives. They are a kind of modifier that you can use to change verbs, or adjectives. Considering its function in the sentence you can predict whether, or not a word is an adverb. 

Since the +ly form is very common, have a glance at a few examples.

The dog messily ate his dinner

I happily completed my test

She quickly washed the fruits

You can predict that the above-listed words are adverbs because they are describing the verbs and they ended in ly. However, many high-frequency words are also adverbs like – very, much, more, and many. 

His behavior was very bad

The much smarter boy won the match

I so want to go to that concern

The 5 Basic Type of Adverbs-


Adverbs of Time- It provides more information about when a verb takes place. They are usually placed at the beginning, or end of the sentence. Some examples include- never, lately, just, always, during, and yet.

Adverbs of Place- These adverbs illustrate where the verb is happening. It is placed after the main verb, or object. Some examples of such adverbs include- here, there, nowhere, and everywhere.

Adverbs of Manner- They are the most common of all adverbs. These adverbs provide information about how a verb is done. Such as- neatly, quickly, slowly, and sadly.

Adverbs of Degree- It explains the level of a verb, adjective, or another adverb. For example- almost, quite, nearly, and simply.

Adverbs of Frequency- Such adverb explains how often the verb occurs. They are placed before the main verb of the sentence. Examples of Adverbs of Frequency- never, always, sometimes, usually, again

Difference between Adjective, and Adverb-


The main difference between them is what they describe. Adjectives describe a noun, whereas adverbs are used to describe verbs. 

The adjective is among the 8 parts of speech that describe a noun, or a pronoun. On the same token, an adverb is also a part of the speech. It provides further information about a verb, adjective, or any other adverb.

An adjective qualifies as a noun, or pronoun. Contrary to it, the adverb is used to modify phrase, clause, verb, adjective, preposition, and conjunction.

Adjectives answer the questions like- which, how many, what kind, etc. Whereas, the adverb answers the questions like- how, when, where, how much, how often, to what extent, etc.  

Final Thoughts-

Adverbs, and Adjectives both elaborate another part of the speech. Some words seem like adverbs but they are adjectives. Such as- hourly, weekly, monthly, and yearly. To remember the difference between both the terms have a glance at https://askanydifference.com/difference-between-adjective-and-adverb/.

It will not only help you to identify adverbs, and adjectives in a sentence. However, will polish your skills for efficient writing, and get rid of grammatical errors.

Be careful to notice whether the word verb, or the subject in the sentence. If the word modifies the subject you should use an adjective. On the same token, if it modifies the verb, you should use an adverb.

Adjectives and Adverbs are among the 8 parts of the speech in the English language.