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We all experience joint and muscle pain. It’s just a part of life. It could be because we started a new activity that uses new muscles, or because we‘re getting older and developing inflammatory conditions. 

Regardless of the reason, it’s unavoidable that we all deal with joint and muscle pain at some point in our lives. 

Even though joint and muscle pain is common, that doesn’t mean you have to put up with it. Here are some surprising ways you may be able to combat it. 

Explore Your CBD Options

A great way to get relief from aches and pains is by applying a CBD roll-on. CBD rollers contain CBD infused with other ingredients like tea tree oil, aloe vera, and menthol. By rolling CBD onto a specific area that hurts, you can bypass the bloodstream and utilize the cannabinoid receptors located in your skin for immediate, targeted relief. 

Roll-on CBD products are compact so you can take them with you anywhere you go. They’re also completely hassle-free and are fast and easy to apply. Research studies suggest that athletes benefit from CBD’s anti-inflammatory, anxiolytic, analgesic, and neuroprotective properties. 

Eat Anti-Inflammatory Foods

You may not be able to avoid muscle soreness after an intense workout session or sports game, but some foods may help you experience fewer symptoms. For example, antioxidant-rich foods like watermelon may reduce muscle soreness and lower your recovery heart rate due to the amino acid L-citrulline. Cherry juice, ginger, and pineapple have also shown promise as a potential way to reduce muscle soreness. 

Try Heat Therapy

Along with trying CBD rollers, you might also see some relief with heat therapy. By applying heat immediately after exercise, you may reduce the intensity of muscle soreness and even delay its onset. 

A warm bath, wet heating packs, and damp towels are great heat therapy options for reducing stiffness and soreness. Studies have also shown that both moist and dry heat can be effective. 

Choose Low-Impact Exercises

Some exercises are better than others for reducing the risk of joint pain.  Consider low-impact exercises that won’t put too much pressure on your joints. 

Some ideal options include swimming, strength training, cycling, and walking. You can still exercise as intensely as you like to benefit your health, but with a potentially lower risk of joint pain compared to other exercise options like running, jumping jacks, and skipping. 

Ice Therapy

Heat therapy can be an ideal option for warming up muscles, combating stiffness, and increasing blood flow, but ice therapy is ideal for relief from joint pain. Ice is a natural pain reliever and can be applied to your skin with a towel or a cold pack. After 20 minutes of ice therapy, you may notice a difference in how much pain you’re experiencing. 

Keep in mind that CBD rollers are great for both combatting stiffness and relieving joint pain, so if you need both of these benefits, they’re probably the best option for you. 

Muscle and joint pain can put a damper on your daily life, especially if you’re trying to stay active and want to do so without pain and discomfort. Before exercising or doing anything that may lead to aches and pains, consider these helpful tips above. By taking a proactive approach to your muscles and joints, you may be surprised at how much more comfortable you’ll feel.