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    Bob Smith
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Native News Online's coverage has had a significant impact on changing the narrative about Indian Country, including attention from other media.  This page highlights some of our impact, awards, media collaborations, and international, national, and state media mentions and pickups over the past year. 

January 2022

Blue Stem Prairie highlighted our reporter Darren Thompson's story about Minnesota state rep Heather Keeler's proposed legislation to recognize Indigenous Peoples Day as a state holiday. 

The Montana Free Press republished contributing writer Kelsey Turner's story about the launch of Four Points Press, an independent digital media company started by Apsaalooké journalist Luella Brien to cover the Crow Indian Reservation in Big Horn County. 

The Grand Rapids Business Journal wrote about the selection of Native News Online by URL Media to become the first Indigenous publication to join the network of high-performing BIPOC media outlets.  

The American Press Institute cited an op-ed in its newsletter about the Oklahoma Media Center's ongoing journalism project to cover the McGirt v. Oklahoma Supreme Court case and its impact on tribal sovereignty.

Our breaking news coverage of the Sault Ste Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians board of directors' move to censure its tribal chairman was cited in The Sault News coverage of the issue.  



Following the release of the U.S. Department of the Interior's final report, we at Native News Online took a moment to reflect on our extensive three-year effort to highlight the traumatic legacy of Indian boarding schools. By covering all 12 Road to Healing events and publishing over 250 articles, we have amplified survivors' voices and illuminated the lasting impact on Indigenous communities. Our work continues. Please consider donating to help fund our ongoing coverage of Indian boarding schools.