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Indigenous women in Washington state are 8.5 times more likely than white women to die during pregnancy or within a year after. Indigenous doulas are working to reverse this trend by providing culturally competent care and hope to Indigenous mothers.

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The suicide rate in the United States has been rising for decades. In fact, suicide is the second leading cause of death for Native youth, giving them the highest suicide rate for all racial and ethnic groups. 
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September marks Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month, a time to support current patients and educate the general public on ovarian cancer. 
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The Food and Drug Administration on Monday approved updated Covid vaccines from Pfizer and Moderna. The release is timely because of the surge of COVID-19 cases that have caused increased hospitalizations in recent weeks. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices approved the vaccines on Tuesday.

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Video Poster: https://nativenewsonline.net/images/10_Years_Logo.png

When prostate cancer is detected early, the odds of survival are high. This is the message that is being spread in September, which is Prostate Cancer Awareness Month.

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Video Poster: https://nativenewsonline.net/images/10_Years_Logo.png
National Suicide Prevention Month is recognized annually during the month of September to raise awareness about suicide prevention and treatment, as well as the warning signs and how to get help when it is needed most. 
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Video Poster: https://nativenewsonline.net/images/10_Years_Logo.png
One of the nation’s largest grocery stores has agreed to pay more than a billion dollars in a lawsuit for its part in the opioid crisis.
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Video Poster: https://nativenewsonline.net/images/10_Years_Logo.png

More than 36,000 American Indian and Alaska Native households will benefit from $702.6 million in funding announced by the Indian Health Service (IHS) on Thursday. 

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Starting this week, major pharmacy retailers will start selling Narcan, the brand name for life-saving overdose reversal drug Naloxone, over the counter or online, but the price tag may be cost-prohibitive for Native American communities reeling from the ongoing effects of the overdose epidemic. 
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Video Poster: https://nativenewsonline.net/images/10_Years_Logo.png

Let’s ask our elders, “How’s your smile?” Not only is it the first thing people notice, but good oral health is a gateway to our overall well-being. Research shows people who smile more often bring joy to those around them, and smilers themselves are happier.