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Cannabidiol (CBD) is one of the many substances produced by the marijuana plant. Because it contains none of the psychoactive substances that cause a “high,” the chemical is sold all over the world and faces few legal problems.
Note that there are CBD products sold that contain trace amounts of THC, the chemical that causes users to get high, but even in markets where laws prohibit the sale of THC, edibles and other items can still be sold as long as the content is under a specified level, such as 2 percent.
But on its own, cannabidiol has already carved out a huge part of the health/wellness sector of the consumer market. It shows up in products like food supplements, bath soaps, lotions, snacks and drinks. There’s no shortage of the uses for this legally unrestricted part of the marijuana plant. The result has been an explosion of product lines, companies and investors who want to avoid the sticky legal problems that come with many cannabis-containing products. Here’s a short list of why consumers are taking to CBD in a big way.
Do I Need a Card?
You don’t need a medical marijuana card to purchase cannabidiol products, but plenty of people who have the need are now obtaining them from an online application service. In addition to overworked professionals who have no time to apply in person, getting a card online offers consumers anonymity and convenience that comes with from home ordering. You will not have to show your card to order CBD products but will have to for example, when buying Oklahoma medical marijuana or from any other state that requires one.
Sleep Enhancement
For some people, the substance seems to enhance and lengthen sleep sessions. Many will experience a relaxing effect from taking just a few drops of CBD oil orally or in their food. While the jury is still out on information that proves this cause-effect relationship, the oil and food additive versions of the product are flying off shelves.
Reduce Anxiety
Some are pointing to cannabidiol as an effective way to relieve varying levels of anxiety. While overall levels of stress can be reduced, curbing symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder as well as protecting the human brain from neuro-degenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s continue to be the hope for the future.
Beauty Enhancer
Take a walk through any cosmetic aisle and you’ll be shocked at how many labels include cannabidiol and derivatives of the substance. That’s because hemp-derived products also contain the oil and can help with softening and giving a healthy glow to weather-ravaged skin on arms, faces and feet.
To Eliminate Side-Effects of Pain Medication
Many are looking for relief from side effects from traditional pain medication. Whether that’s true or not, the consumer marketplace apparently believes the anecdotal evidence and has turned a once-stagnant niche into a hugely profitable one. In fact, one of the most popular uses for CBD has been in the hair restoration market. Every day brings a new use for this versatile substance.