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It may seem an impossible task to write an article without plagiarizing. However, it's much easier than you may think. If you can learn how to cite sources properly, you can avoid committing plagiarism in your article. Just follow these steps collected with the help of the experts from the professional essay service to avoid copying other people's work. Moreover, you can summarize the main points of an original article in your own words without copying it. It will not cause the plagiarism checker to know that you copied someone else's work, as you only summarized the ideas from the original.


Synthesize information from several sources

To write an article without plagiarism, you should be able to synthesize information from several sources. You must be familiar with the sources and their relationships with each other. While you should not use every reference as your sole source, you should focus on points of agreement and disagreement. Also, you should consider whether a particular point is an outlier or not. 

To synthesize information from multiple sources, create a synthesis matrix that helps you organize each source. The first column is for ideas, while the others are for sources. Each row should contain three to nine words that represent the idea in the source. Leave a blank cell if you cannot find any such information in the source. When preparing a synthesis matrix, it is important to include a citation in the body of the article.


Cite your sources

One of the easiest ways to avoid plagiarism is to cite your sources when writing an article. It is imperative that you cite the source in the article's "Sources" section. If you use any other material, it should be clearly mentioned and referenced. When writing an article, you should avoid procrastination because you will not be able to produce your best work. Procrastination also results in bad research habits and decisions, which is the last thing you want to do. If you need help with your work, you should ask your professor or campus support staff for help, but you must also commit to completing your work.

A proper citation is essential in any article, whether it is an academic paper or a piece of news. When citing a source, make sure to include the date that you used it. If you quote an author, always cite them with their name and work. If you paraphrase a passage, you must cite the source. Using a citation is the best way to avoid plagiarism, ensuring you receive the credit you deserve.


Avoid direct plagiarism

Although there are countless ways to use content from other authors, one of the most important steps in writing a research paper is to avoid direct plagiarism. Plagiarism can severely affect your research career and is highly punishable. It is also important to remember that copied material adds no value to the paper and can even get your entire paper disqualified. Hence, it is better to write a modestly original work than to plagiarize an article.

In direct plagiarism, you use someone else's ideas or work without adequately referencing the original source. It is even true if you make only minor changes to the work. However, it is always a good idea to include a citation if the source of the content is the same as yours. Indirect plagiarism, by comparison, involves incorporating an author's ideas into your own. Often, plagiarism isn't that obvious.


Avoid paraphrasing

To avoid plagiarism, it's important to remember that paraphrasing is not the same as rewriting someone else's words. It's about adding your own words to the original text but not taking it too far away from the original idea. Similarly, paraphrasing should connect well with the rest of the writing and be free of errors. Online paraphrasing tools can mess up your paraphrasing.

In general, a quote is a restatement of the source in its own words, while a paraphrase is a restatement in your own words, but with the appropriate citations. It is also important to note that a paraphrased piece of text still follows the rules of in-text citation. In addition, it must adhere to specific formatting rules, such as using quotation marks.