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The prostate is located in the men’s pelvis, just below the bladder. It produces fluid that helps keep sperm healthy and motile (able to swim). When you ejaculate semen, the prostate gland also secretes prostatic fluid, which lubricates the penis during intercourse. If your prostate becomes inflamed or enlarged, it can lead to painful urination, difficulty with erections, and even urinary tract infections.

This is why it is important to keep it healthy. But how do you do it? Fluxactive Complete is the answer. This supplement claims to vitalize your prostate and support optimal flow while offering a plethora of other health benefits.

Let's dive into a comprehensive review of this supplement, how it works, and all about it below:

Product Overview


Fluxactive Complete


It aims to help improve prostate health and prevent prostate and bladder issues such as prostate cancer, UTIs, BPN, etc. It also boosts libido and improves overall health.


  • Catuaba
  • Damiana
  • Muira Pauma
  • Chinese Hawthorn
  • Ginkgo Biloba
  • Oat Straw
  • Saw Palmetto
  • Hawthorn, and more.


  • GMO-Free
  • Gluten-Free
  • Soy-Free
  • Allergen-Free
  • Vegan
  • Science-Proven
  • Safe
  • Manufactured in the U.S.A
  • Made in cGMP and FDA-registered facilities.

Side Effects

None, as claimed by the official website and the users.


Only available on the official website.

Customer Reviews

Customer reviews are largely positive.

Bonus Products

4 free digital bonuses with 3-month and 6-month supplies.


Starts at $79 for a one-month supply.

Shipping Fee

Shipping fee is charged for 1-month and 3-month supplies.

Official Website Link

Click Here!

What Is Fluxactive Complete Health Supplement?

Fluxactive Complete is a dietary supplement packed with natural ingredients that aim to enhance prostate health and help you get rid of prostate problems. The natural ingredients used in the health supplement are thoroughly researched and are thoughtfully picked to help reduce inflammation and bladder problems.

The formula used in Fluxactive Complete also helps support health holistically. This is because the formula is designed to target multiple health problems in men, support optimal flow, and offer lasting prostate health.

The dietary supplement is free from non-essential fillers and harmful chemicals that can do harm in the long run. It is fit for everyone as it is vegan and gluten-free without harmful substances such as GMOs.

How Does Fluxactive Complete Work?

Fluxactive Complete works by helping ward off prostate problems that can severely affect male health. The ingredients used in Fluxactive Complete holistically help promote prostate and bladder health. By improving blood circulation in the body and promoting the state of the circulatory system, the supplement ensures that blood reaches all vital organs, including the prostate.

This helps keep the prostate gland healthy. Improved flow of blood may also help prevent more grave health problems such as prostate cancer.

Unlike other dietary supplements, Fluxactive Complete also aims to improve nitric oxide production in the body, which can directly lead to an improvement in sexual desire. This can help establish a better relationship with your partner in the bedroom.

What Is The Science Behind The Fluxactive Complete Dietary Supplement?

Now, coming to the scientific explanation behind its working, here is how Fluxactive Complete and its composition have been proven by science:

A study published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry found that oat straw extract can help prevent prostate cancerous cells from growing by up to 50 percent. Researchers believe that these compounds may be able to stop the growth of prostate cancerous cells.

Research has shown that cayenne pepper can reduce inflammation in the body. In fact, studies suggest that capsaicin (the compound responsible for hot peppers’ heat) may actually kill cancerous cells. A study published in the journal Cancer Prevention Research suggests that eating spicy foods like chili peppers may help lower your risk of developing prostate cancer.

In addition to helping with E.D, Damiana, an ingredient in Fluxactive Complete, has been used as an aphrodisiac since ancient times. Recent studies show that damiana may improve the flow of blood to the penis during sex.

A recent study conducted in Brazil showed that Catuaba bark extract improved sexual desire and performance in men who had low T levels.

Studies show that Saw Palmetto may also help relieve symptoms associated with BPH. It is believed to work by relaxing muscles around the bladder and urethra.

What Can You Get Out Of Fluxactive Complete?

Here is an overview of some of the major benefits offered by Fluxactive Complete:

Promotes Holistic Prostate Health

As obvious as it can be, Fluxactive Complete helps fight prostate-related issues that can cause grave conditions in the long run, including an enlarged prostate.

It does so with the help of organic and GMO-free clinically-proven ingredients that have shown promising results in the cancerous prostate-related issues.

Can Help Prevent An Enlarged Prostate

An enlarged prostate can be problematic and may even lead to cancer. This is not something you would want. However, the enlargement of the prostate is a natural process that occurs as men age. Therefore, to help prevent abnormal prostate enlargement and promote overall health, Fluxactive Complete uses ingredients such as Catuaba and Damiana that support optimal flow to the prostate, therefore keeping it healthy.

It also helps reduce the frequent urge to urinate.

Can Help Prevent Hair Loss

Ingredients in Fluxactive Complete, including Saw Palmetto, have been shown to help prevent hair loss and male pattern baldness. Several Fluxactive Complete reviews also mention that the users saw a growth in hair upon using the supplement.

A large section of Fluxactive Complete reviews has been thanking this supplement for helping stop hair loss that comes with age.

It Helps Boost Cognitive Function

It is a known fact that the aging process comes with a decline in cognition. This decline in cognition can cause several day-to-day problems, such as forgetfulness and lack of focus. In the long run, weak brain health may lead to conditions such as Alzheimer's.

Since Fluactive Complete also targets the cognitive health of the user, it can help promote memory retention, focus, etc.

Several Fluxactive Complete reviews have attested to the fact that the supplement helped improve brain health in users.

Revives Your Libido and Sexual Performance

When you have a healthy prostate, it will ultimately lead to a better sex life. Since the prostate plays an important role in the proper functioning of male sexual health, Fluxactive Complete can also help boost libido in a way.

In fact, a number of users in their Fluxactive Complete reviews have mentioned that they felt a newfound energy and drive in the bedroom after sustained usage of the product.

Besides improving libido, the Fluxactive Complete supplement can also help revitalize your physical energy so you can carry out your day-to-day tasks actively and efficiently.

What Are The Ingredients In Fluxactive Complete Dietary Supplement?

Fluxactive Complete dietary supplement is a blend of 14 essential bladder and prostate health-promoting ingredients in one formula that works wonders for the male body.

Here is an overview of these ingredients:

Chinese Ginseng

Chinese Ginseng (Panax quinquefolius) is one of the most popular herbs used by men today. In addition to its use in traditional Chinese medicine, Panax quinquefolium has also become very popular in Western herbalism.

Ginseng is considered to be a powerful adaptogen. It can help promote general well-being and help you to stay healthy by helping fight free radicals, UV rays, etc.

Ginkgo Biloba

Ginkgo biloba is another popular herb that has gained popularity over the years. It is often marketed as a memory enhancer, but it works much better. It is believed to increase blood flow throughout the brain, which may help prevent dementia.

It is also used to treat many other health problems, including Alzheimer's disease, depression, migraines, and even erectile dysfunction.

Oat Straw

Oat straw is a type of cereal grass that grows in North America. Oat straw is rich in beta-glucans, which are fiber compounds that support good digestion. Beta-glucans are also known to lower cholesterol levels, reduce inflammation, and protect against cancer.

Oat straw is also said to help treat other health problems, such as urinary tract infections.

To help promote prostate health, it works by promoting regularity and preventing infection. It does so by helping to keep the bladder clean and free of bacteria.

It also supports healthy circulation throughout the body. This helps support energy levels to help you keep going through the day.

Saw Palmetto

Saw palmetto berries are fruits that grow on palm trees native to Florida. These berries are commonly used to treat symptoms associated with benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH).

It works by relaxing muscles around the urethra, which allows more fluid to pass through the urethra. This makes urination easier and reduces pressure on the bladder.

This ingredient may also work to support cognitive function and prevent hair loss, apart from helping promote optimal prostate health.


Cayenne pepper is an ingredient found in many foods. Cayenne peppers are hot! But they're not just spicy. They have other benefits too.

Cayenne peppers are great for supporting prostate health. They do this by stimulating the production of testosterone. Testosterone is important for maintaining normal sexual function.

Cayenne pepper also stimulates the release of nitric oxide, which relaxes smooth muscle tissue. Smooth muscle tissue surrounds the prostate and helps to control how fast the prostate fills up with fluid during ejaculation.


Inosine works by increasing the amount of oxygen available to cells. Oxygen is needed to produce energy within cells. As we age, our bodies become less efficient at producing energy. Inosine can help restore energy production and improve overall cellular function.

It may also help prevent prostate cancer and problems such as an enlarged prostate.

Damiana Extract

Damiana extract is a plant native to Mexico and Central America. Damiana is sometimes referred to as the Mexican love vine.

Damiana extract is also said to help to regulate hormones and balance testosterone levels. This makes it useful for treating low libido and other hormone-related problems.


Catuaba is a tree bark extract that grows in South America. Catuaba has been shown to be effective in relieving pain related to BPH.

Catuaba is thought to work by reducing inflammation and swelling. Inflammation causes pain and discomfort. By reducing inflammation, Catuaba may reduce pain caused by BPH.


Hawthorn is often used to support heart health. However, hawthorn is also used to treat urinary tract infections and high blood pressure, and E.D.

Hawthorn has long been used to treat BPH.

Muira Puama

Muira pauma bark is an evergreen tree found in South America. Muira pauma bark is used in traditional medicine to treat various ailments, including prostate enlargement.

It is commonly used to treat enlarged prostates, which cause difficulty urinating.

It is also said that Muira pauma bark stimulates the release of endorphins, which make you feel happy, which in turn can help improve energy levels.

Are There Any Side Effects To The Supplement?

The supplement is vegan in itself. It is also free from harmful chemicals, soy, gluten, and other allergens. It has been made organically and is free from GMOs. Moreover, the ingredients used in the supplement are FDA-approved GRAS (Generally Recognised As Safe).

Thus, it is safe to conclude that Fluxactive Complete has no side effects. In fact, users have reported no adverse effects so far either.

However, consult a medical practitioner before starting supplementation to be on the safe side.

How To Consume Fluxactive Complete?

The recommended dosage of the supplement is two capsules a day. You can take each capsule after a meal. For example, you can take one capsule after breakfast and the other one at night after dinner.

This will allow the supplement to give you sustained benefits throughout the day. It is strongly suggested not to overdose on the supplement.

How Much Does Fluxactive Complete Cost?

The basic one-month supply (containing one bottle) of Fluxactive Complete costs $79. It also has a shipping fee associated with it.

The 3-month supply costs $177, therefore cutting down the cost of each bottle to $59. It also comes with 4 FREE digital bonuses. It has an extra shipping fee attached.

The 6-month supply costs $49 per bottle. The total cost of six bottles in the bundle is $294. This option has FREE shipping and also comes with 4 FREE digital bonuses.

Is There A Money Back Guarantee On Fluxactive Complete?

Yes, there is an ironclad 60-day money-back guarantee offered with every purchase of the product. Regardless of the reason you are unhappy with the product, all you have to do to claim your refund is to contact customer support. They shall outline the process of returning the used and unused bottles of Fluxactive Complete, and you will have your money back if the product doesn't work for you.

NOTE: Since the product is only available on the official website, it is important to make your purchase exclusively from the site to avoid duplicitous products being delivered to you.


Is The Fluxactive Complete Formula Effective?

Yes, the organic ingredients present in the Fluxactive Complete formula are proven by clinical trials to help boost metabolism and improve prostate health, athletic endurance, and energy levels.

Ingredients such as Damiana (a wild shrub) and horny goat weed in the Fluxactive Complete supplement not only help improve prostate health and sex drive but also the circulatory system, reduce joint pain, improve blood flow in the penile area, ward off male pattern baldness and hair, therefore improving overall health.

Can Fluxactive Complete Help Promote Muscle Growth?

A large part of how the Fluxactive Complete supplement works is based on improving testosterone levels and promoting blood circulation in the penis and throughout the whole body. As we all know, testosterone levels are directly linked to muscle growth.

Therefore, when combined with an actual diet and optimal exercise, the Fluxactive Complete supplement can not only help promote optimal prostate health but also help you gain muscles.

Why Is Prostate Health Important?

Apart from helping play a major role in sexual function and sexual performance, prostate health and the prostate gland are important for various other things in the male body. Prostate health, however, is the most important for reproductive health.

The reproductive health in males is dependent on the production and motility of the sperm. The motility of the sperm is, however, dependent on the prostate gland responsible for producing semen, the fluid in which the sperm travels to fertilize the eggs.

Can Fluxactive Complete Help Improve Mental Health?

As if promoting prostate health isn't enough, you would be surprised to know that the Fluxactive Complete supplement can also help improve blood circulation to the brain (apart from other body parts).

It can also help reduce inflammation in the brain, improving mental health benefits, cognitive function, memory loss, focus, and retention.

Apart from this, the Fluxactive Complete supplement can also help promote bone health, healthy skin, and heart health.

Is Fluxactive Complete Safe?

Yes, the Fluxactive Complete supplement is completely safe for human consumption, as confirmed by several Fluxactive Complete reviews. It is made of natural ingredients such as ginkgo biloba, Chinese ginseng, oat straw, saw palmetto, etc., that clinical trials for safety and efficacy have proved.

Moreover, they have also been authorized by the USDA National Organic Program as safe for human consumption.

However, if you have pre-existing issues related to your health or if you are on certain medications, it is strongly advised to consult a medical professional before starting supplementation of the Fluxactive Complete supplement (as well as other nutritional supplements).

What Is Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia?

Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPN) is also known as "enlarged prostate." It is the excessive growth of the prostate that usually occurs when men start to age and reach around the age of 50. It can lead to a serious decline in the health of the male reproductive system.

This can cause problems with urine flow and cause a frequent urge to urinate. It can also cause other complications when you have an enlarged prostate before you hit your 50s.

Can Prostate Problems Cause Erectile Dysfunction?

If you have a poorly functioning prostate gland, it can certainly affect your reproductive system as well. Prostate problems can, therefore, certainly lead to erectile dysfunction and numerous issues related to sexual health.

Prostate-related issues, if left untreated, can be the major cause of developing prostate cancer, sexual dysfunction, and other abnormal symptoms.

Final Verdict On Fluxactive Complete Reviews

If you were struggling with sexual problems along with problems related to the prostate but were unsure about how to deal with the same, you now have a remedy in the form of Fluxactive Complete. A few diet and lifestyle changes, along with supplementation of the product, can help you sustain the results and ward off further prostate issues.

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The links contained in this product review may result in a small commission if you opt to purchase the product recommended at no additional cost to you. This goes towards supporting our research and editorial team. Please know we only recommend high-quality products.


Please understand that any advice or guidelines revealed here are not even remotely substitutes for sound medical or financial advice from a licensed healthcare provider or certified financial advisor. Make sure to consult with a professional physician or financial consultant before making any purchasing decision if you use medications or have concerns following the review details shared above. Individual results may vary and are not guaranteed as the statements regarding these products have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration or Health Canada. The efficacy of these products has not been confirmed by FDA, or Health Canada approved research. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease and do not provide any kind of get-rich money scheme. Reviewer is not responsible for pricing inaccuracies. Check product sales page for final prices.