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Full-spectrum flowers from industrial hemp contain high amounts of cannabidiol or CBD. They have anti-inflammatory properties that effectively mitigate body pains, stress, anxiety, and other health issues.

Hemp flowers offer more than 400 compounds that provide a lot of benefits, including pain management. They are used to make hemp cigarettes, oils, pre-rolls (check out MrHempFlower), essential oils, gummies, and capsules.

CBD hemp flowers are great for:

  • migraines
  • arthritis
  • headaches
  • low back pain
  • chronic pain
  • fibromyalgia
  • muscle pain and spasm
  • neuropathic pain
  • irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)

What is CBD?

The cannabidiol or CBD is an active ingredient of marijuana (cannabis). After tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), CBD is the next prevalent component of this kind of weed. 

Hemp flowers are harvested from high-quality industrial hemp plants, a relative of cannabis plants. Hemp is federally legal and does not bring the usual “weed high.” They are the most natural and safest option for treating chronic pain.

Using hemp flowers for a longer period and in a higher dosage does not bring life-threatening effects, except for some minor discomfort.

How Does CBD Hemp Flower Work?

Hemp flowers alleviate body pain by lessening the inflammation that affects the molecules and receptors in the endocannabinoid system. According to various studies, cannabinoids are more potent compared to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).

The combined power of the compounds creates an “entourage effect” that increases their efficiency. The compounds join forces and work synergistically to alleviate pain.

Why Smoke Hemp Flower?

CBD hemp flowers are popularly used for smoking and vaping. Use high CBD hemp strains to relieve pain. The optimal cannabidiol level for pain relief is around 14% to 16%.  You can buy hemp cigarettes or create your own blunt using fresh and organic hemp flowers.

Smoking the hemp flower enhances the bioavailability of cannabidiol in the bloodstream. It is the fastest way to enjoy their benefits and alleviate body pains. The body absorbs cannabidiol in the blood, easing the pain and discomfort due to physical health conditions. 

To ensure that you are getting the most of cannabidiol compounds, use full-spectrum CBD hemp flower extract. It delivers more potent effects compared to CBD isolate. It contains less than 0.3% THC which eliminates the ‘high effect,’ while providing several beneficial compounds like terpenes. 

Terpenes come in different forms:

  • Myrcene - It brings a sedative effect that calms the pain, relaxes the muscles, and aids better sleep.
  • B-caryophyllene - It delivers strong anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects that reduce body pain. It also protects the digestive tract and cells.
  • A-pinene - It aids in lowering inflammation and provides relief to chronic pain. 
  • Limonene - It offers antidepressant and anti-anxiety effects that calm the overwhelming thoughts. 

Smoking the CBD hemp flowers brings natural, synergistic effects of terpenes and other cannabinoids. It is also worthy to mention minor CBD side effects to help you manage them effectively after smoking hemp cigarettes like dry mouth, vomiting, tooth decay, pulmonary disease, and cardiovascular disease, so always take them in moderation, just enough to alleviate body pains.