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 Photo: Jenna Kunze for Native News Online

Beginning in May 2021, Native News Online committed its newsroom to covering one of the most important stories of our times: the fraught legacy of Indian Boarding Schools that the federal government operated for 150 years with the help of numerous Christian denominations and churches. Our mission is to shine a bright light on this dark era of forced assimilation of Native American children and its continuing impact on American Indian, Alaska Native, Native Hawaiian and First Nations families to this day.  

The following pages compile our coverage, including stories, photography, and live stream events. Want to submit news or share a personal story about how Indian Boarding Schools affected you or your family? Contact [email protected]. If you’d like to support our continuing coverage of boarding schools, please consider a one-time or recurring donation.

Photo: Brian Adams for Native News Online
  • Remembering the 215 Indigenous Children Found in Unmarked Graves at Canadian Residential School

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    KAMLOOPS, B.C. — As people in the United States spent time this past weekend to remember those who gave their lives for their country while serving in the U.S. military, First Nations people and Native Americans across Indian Country paid tribute to the loss of 215 children,  whose remains were recently discovered at the site of a former residential school near the town of Kamloops, British Colombia.