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Last week, we asked Native News Online social media followers how they celebrate the Fourth of July as Native Americans. 

The responses were diverse, reflecting a wide range of traditions, reflections, and celebrations. From honoring ancestral resilience to participating in community events, Indian Country has a unique perspective on this national holiday. 

Read on to see how Indian Country is celebrating the Fourth of July, and
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The following answers have been published as written.

Jean Ttarp
I enjoy spending time with my loved ones and having a paid day off from work. I also take some time to contemplate what "independence" and "freedom" mean for this nation where so many people do not experience these concepts.

Robin St. Claire-Lopez
We watch the local parade and then go to a lake and have a cookout then watch the fireworks, I don't celebrate it because of what it stands for I just enjoy being with family and friends on this day because we all get the day off..lol

Ronald K Oldman
I don’t go to parades, that’s not my celebration, I go fishing with my family in the mountains to escape all of the craziness.

Galen Galbreath
I don't. And I usually spend the day comforting my elder Scottish Terrier Lass who is traumatized by the colonizer fireworks being set off.

Lynn Gnez
Just stay home , grill some food and be with my family!!

Phyllis Miller
Stay home and eat hotdogs. We used to have cookouts to honor our Dad. He was a WWII Navy Seabee Veteran. He loved having all 7 of his children and their families home.

Leksi Mac
I only watch Native programming that day and listen to traditional Pow Wow radio, I might sweat as well.

MCatherine Harper
Watching movies at home, then maybe checking out the fireworks from our front yard. We used to stay in because our dog didn't like the noise but he passed in November so we might as well enjoy the display our tax dollars are paying for.

Beth Bełch
I try to keep my dog from freaking out, while the neighbors indulge in random explosions

Indian Tacos with family today.

Coach J
Family, Friends, and Frybread! Barbecue, steak, beef ribs, green chili, mutton stew, and frybread! Enjoying the fact that I am still here to enjoy the finer things in life with people I care about!

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Native News Online Staff
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