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As a business owner, you have to work hard to ensure that your business is thriving. A business has a lot to do with dealing with vendors, customers and finding how best to market your goods and services. When you are so busy as a business owner, you may forget to check your business credit rating. Yet, business credit scores are an important factor in helping you find finances to support, grow and start your business. No matter where you are operating your business, borrowing money from net 30 office supply companies in most cases is inevitable. Therefore, you need to consider your business credit rating. This is because all the actions you make with your money give your credit score a boost and the higher the score, the better. Below are ways to improve your business credit rating. 

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  1. Pay bills on time 

Making on-time payments is one way to improve your business credit rating. Business owners who delay these bills, and have them pile up, end up damaging their business credit. So if you want your record with no dents from making late payments, ensure that you have a habit of paying them on time. More so, since there are creditors that choose to report you, making your rating go lower. Therefore, build a good business habit of paying your bills before the due date, as it will improve your credit scores. Also, it is a great way of maintaining a good relationship with your creditors. 

  1. Avoid risks that can sink your credit 

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Another way to improve your business credit rating is by avoiding using your credit power in risky activities. There are many financial activities as a business owner you may want to indulge in, and some of them may be risky ones. In such a case, it is best to avoid them as they will scare off card issuers and creditors. As an example, avoid any activities that will indicate in any way that you can end up in current or future money stress for you or the business. 

  1. Limit usage of credit and maintain a low debt level 

The business credit rating has many factors that affect it. For instance, owning numerous amounts of money to lenders and banks is one of the main factors. A business needs a loan or two to boost the business. Thus, you need to keep any revolving debt to your business low. As you do this, it will lower your credit utilization rate, and as a result, it will maintain your credit rating high. 

  1. Check the business credit report regularly 

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Do not be the business owner that has no idea about their companies’ credit scores. It is vital to check your business credit scores often to avoid inaccuracies and errors that may cause your business credit score to drop. Also, you will be in a position to correct any mistake, which is another way to improve your credit rating. Note that even the simplest mistakes can in a large way dent your business credit score. Therefore, even though it is correcting an address that is wrongly put, they should correct it. This could mean a lot to your business credit. 

  1. Avoid closing off credit accounts 

One choice that every business owner should avoid doing is closing off credit accounts. Removing them from your credit report because you have already paid them will affect your credit report. Although you spent several years paying off your card balances and working tirelessly to do so, closing down the accounts to prevent future spending will only affect your credit rating. Plus, they will limit the amount of credit that you have at your disposal. 

  1. Strive to use credit 

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Yes, using credit is a way to improve your business credit rating. The credit usage game is one that you have to play along with as the business owner. Therefore, open some business credit accounts like loans and credit cards to play this game and stick to the rules by paying back on time. This will help improve your business credit rating, and also it will put you in a position to get more favorable terms.