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A Holbrook Indian School student was killed and six others were injured on Sunday morning when a semi-truck rear-ended a school bus that was taking them to Window Rock, Arizona, on a field trip.

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NASA astronaut Nicole Mann is set to become the first Native American woman in space, with a launch date no earlier than Oct. 3. 

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When Rep. Kaiali’i Kahele, a lieutenant colonel in the Hawaii Air National Guard, thinks about the men, women, and children massacred by the U.S. Army more than a century ago at Wounded Knee, it brings home memories of other wrongs.

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On Wednesday, the state of Utah and several of its officials, including Governor Spencer Cox and Attorney General Sean D. Reyes, sued the Biden administration in federal court over the president’s executive action last year to restore two national monuments that were formerly reduced by President Donald Trump.

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The Interior Department’s inspector general found that Zinke misrepresented his communications with lobbyists and others leading up to a decision on a tribal gaming compact in Connecticut.

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An Alaska Native tribe, the American Civil Liberties Union of Alaska, the Native American Rights Fund, and an international law firm filed a lawsuit in Alaska’s Superior Court on Tuesday against the Alaska Division of Elections and officials for discounting defective ballots without allowing voters time to fix minor deficiencies.

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On Tuesday, Assistant Secretary for Indian Affairs Bryan Newland announced that the Indian Affairs Office of Indian Economic Development is now accepting applications for its Fiscal Year 2022 Tribal Tourism Grant Program.

Saint Paul Public Schools unanimously supports smudging in classrooms
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ST PAUL, Minn.— The Saint Paul Public School Board (SPPS) voted unanimously on Tuesday to support a new policy that allows Indigenous students to smudge in schools. 

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U.S. Rep. Markwayne Mullin (R-OK), a tribal citizen of the Cherokee Nation, is poised to become the first Native American Senator since Colorado Sen. Ben Nighthorse Campbell retired in 2005.